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When a new member is added to a Document360 project, they’ll be assigned the roles that contain a specific permission set that determines what they can and cannot access, edit, or configure in the project. To make this process easy and simple, we divided the roles into Portal role and Content role.

Accessing Roles


  1. From the knowledge base portal, go to Settings → Users & Security → Roles
  2. You can access the Portal role and Content role tabs

Portal role

Portal role defines the permission for activities a team account or group can perform in the knowledge base portal. You can find the list of portal roles available in the project. If required, you can add custom portal roles as per your requirements. To read more about portal roles, see Portal role.

Content role

Content role defines the permission for knowledge base content a team account or group can perform in the knowledge base portal. You can find the list of content roles available in the project. If required, you can add custom content roles as per your requirements. To read more about content roles, see Content role.