With the knowledge base Category block, you can add links on your home page that are displayed as cards and/or popular categories from your documentation.

For example, you want to showcase the popular categories in your knowledge base home page

Adding knowledge base categories block

  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to Documentation → Home page builder, and the Home page builder page appears
  2. In the home page builder, click on the + (Add a new block) icon on the right in-between the body blocks (or below the header section)
  3. Select the Knowledge base categories option. A Knowledge base categories block is added with a Select category dropdown button

Available options


Click on ••• at the top right corner of the block to get access to the below options:

a. Hide title: To hide the title of the block

b. Change all icons color: To change the color of all icons in the block. You can use this to keep the same color for all the icons in the block

c. Remove section: To delete the block


a. Title: To edit the title of the block

b. Select category: To select the knowledge base categories. When you click on this field, a dropdown menu shows the category list available in your knowledge base

Only the categories that you have access to appear in this block.

c. Filter category: To filter the category by name. You can select the required categories and make them visible on the home page


Hover over the top right corner of a category, and you can see the ••• icon. Click on ••• to get access to the below options:

a. Change icon: To change the icon of the category

Icon size

It is always recommended to use image files in square dimension to avoid distortions to the image.

For example, 30px x 30px (or) 50px x50px.
px → pixels

b. Change icon color: To change the icon color of the category

Change All Icon Colors
You can choose the same color for all the icons by clicking the Choose all icons color mentioned above.

c. Remove column: To remove the category

d. Drag: Click and drag this icon to rearrange the category

e. Title: To edit the title of the category

f. Category description: To add/edit the category description