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Plans supporting access to the support page


Need support or assistance? Feel free to contact us from the Document360 support page. Raising and tracking support tickets is very easy and user-friendly. Our support experts will respond to your queries within minutes.


How do I raise a support ticket?

  1. Go to the Document360 support page.

  2. For Document360 customers:

    1. If you have a valid Document360 account, click Login here next to Are you a customer? and the Document360 login page appears.



    Select the desired data center.

    1. Type in your credentials and click Login
      Click Continue with SSO and access with SSO credentials.


  1. If you have valid credentials for the support page, enter your login credentials and click Login.

    Document360 support home page appears.


  2. Click Submit a ticket.


  3. Type in the fields in the Requester, Subject, Group, and Description of the support ticket. Click Attachments to attach any file from your local storage.

  4. Click Submit.

How do I find the status of my ticket?

You can track the status of your tickets.

  1. In the Document360 support page, click Tickets on the top.

  2. Enter the desired keyword in the 'Search' field and click Search.

  3. Filter your tickets with the dropdown below the Search bar. It has the following options:

    • All tickets

    • Open or Pending

    • Resolved or Closed

    • Archive


Sort your tickets with the Sort by dropdown below the Statusdropdown.

  1. Click on the desired ticket.  

  2. The Status of the ticket appears on the right.  

  3. You can also find the ticket history on this page.  


How do I export the tickets?

You can export the tickets as .csv or .xls file.

  1. In the Document360 support page, click Tickets on the top.

  2. Filter your tickets with the dropdown below the Search bar. It has the following options:

    • All tickets

    • Open or Pending

    • Resolved or Closed

    • Archive

  3. Click Export Tickets on the top right of this section.

  4. Select the desired data such as created in, export file type, and the field.

  5. Click Export, and the exported file is saved in your local storage.
