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Customize your Home page with the Document360 themes. You can configure a unique theme for each version or language.

The following theme options are available in document360:

1. Engage
2. Innovate
3. Learn
4. Default

Accessing Home page themes


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to DocumentationHome page builderThemes icon on the top right


  1. The Themes blade window appears on the right

Changing the home page theme

The home page theme can be changed at any time.

  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to DocumentationHome page builderThemes icon on the top right
  2. The Themes blade window appears on the right


  1. Hover over the desired theme and click Activate

Click the Preview button to view a static preview of the theme. It is a sample preview of the layout and design of the theme.

Discarding the theme changes done

If you are unsatisfied with the theme changes, you can discard them. This option is available only when you have yet to publish.

For example, your last published home page theme is Engage and, you changed the theme to Innovate. Now you want to go back to Engage.

  • Click ThemesDiscard, Click Yes in the Discard confirmation prompt window. The last published (Engage) home page theme is restored.
  1. Click the Publish icon on the top right

Header background

When you have configured the header background with Custom color, Image, or No background, the header background does not change even after changing the home page theme.

Custom color

Custom color refers to the color chosen from the color picker.


Theme status

View the theme status in the theme blade window.

Published - The theme of the published home page. It appears for the end-users.
Draft - When you change the theme, Draft status appears in the respective theme section.
Active - When you perform Publish, the theme with the Active status is configured for the home page.

For example, Active status appears in the Published theme section when you have not changed the theme. The Active status appears in the Draft theme section when you have changed the theme.

Best practices

If you have configured custom CSS, there is a chance for home page breakage. We recommend removing the existing CSS to avoid this issue.

Themes of a new version


  • When you create a new version with the Start a fresh version option, the Default theme is configured for the home page across all the languages in the new version.

For example, you are creating a new version, "Version 6" with the Start a fresh version option. The languages available are English, Arabic, and Chinese. The home page theme of English, Arabic, and Chinese are configured with the Default theme.

  • When you create a new version with the Select an existing version option, the theme of the selected version's respective language(s) is configured for the language(s) in the new version. If you add any new language(s), the theme of the default language in the existing version is configured for the home page of the new language(s).

For example, you are creating a new version "v2.0" with existing version "v1.0" as the base version and French, English, and German are the languages available in the existing version "v1.0". Suppose you add the Arabian language in the window. In that case, the home page of the Arabian language is configured with the theme of the default language in the existing version.

New language in existing version

When you add a new language to the existing version, the theme of the default language in the version is configured for the home page of the new language.

Check out the below tutorial video: