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Recycle bin

When managing a huge quantity of files/folders, mishaps like accidental deletions are bound to happen.

To address this, Document360 Drive has the Recycle bin. The name and the function are self-explanatory. When a user removes or deletes a file/folder, it is moved to the recycle bin folder.

Accessing the Recycle bin

The recycle bin folder can be accessed at the top-left in the folder navigation bar along with Recent and Starred folders.


Restore from recycle bin

If you have made any accidental file/folder deletions, click on the Recycle bin folder
Select the deleted file(s)/folder(s), and click on the Restore from recycle bin option at the top.
The selected file(s)/folder(s) is(are) restored to their original location on the Drive. This option is hidden unless a file is selected by clicking on it.


Alternatively, for individual files/folders, you can also click on the ••• More next to the file/folder and click on the Restore from recycle bin option.

Delete forever

Do not worry about the files/folders in the recycle bin taking up your storage space. If you are confident that you do not need the file(s)/folder(s) in the recycle bin, select the file(s)/folder(s) and click on the Delete forever option at the top. This option is hidden unless a file is selected by clicking on it.


Alternatively, for individual files/folders, you can also click on the ••• More next to the file/folder and click on the Delete forever option

This is an irreversible action. Once the file/folder is removed from the Recycle bin using the Delete forever option, they are gone for good and cannot be retrieved (unless you have an offline backup of the same file/folder).

What happens to a file/folder in the Recycle bin if I do not perform any action on it?

The file/folder would be automatically flushed out (permanently deleted) after a period of 30 days.

Empty recycle bin

If you want to get rid of all the files/folders in the Recycle bin in one go, you can click on the Empty recycle bin option at the top. All the files/folders would be flushed out (permanently deleted) of the Recycle bin.


This is an irreversible action. Once the file/folder is emptied from the Recycle bin, they are gone for good and cannot be retrieved (unless you have an offline backup of the same file/folder).

Recent files and folders

We have added the ‘🕔 Recent folder’ to make it easier for the quick access of users. This is a dynamic folder populated with files and folders based on the latest addition or upload (Last 2 days)


Most of the time, editors upload files and subsequently use them in the documentation. This comes in quite handy as they do not have to go looking for the latest files uploaded into any of the folders, they can find it by clicking on Recent at the very top of the left side folder navigation pane.

☆ Starred folder and files

If you use a certain file or a folder often in your documentation, you can make it easier to retrieve and view in the Drive with the Add to Starred feature.


  • Click on the More options ••• button next to the file or the subfolder and select the Add to Starred option
  • You can access the starred files and folders by clicking on the ☆ Starred section between the Recent and Recycle bin options on the left
  • All the files and folders you have marked as starred are available to access