In this article, we can explore what are the best pratices to be followed for authering and publishing an article using Document360.

1. Before you publish an article, ensure that you add relevant “tags”

This helps with knowledge discovery and helps your readers find your article using a search keyword.
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2. Before you publish an article, add title, appropriate slug, and description for SEO

This helps your content to indexed by search engines and your content appear on Google/Bing search result.
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3. Interlink all your articles internally and link other articles of interest

Readers would be able to navigate through your knowledge base and find supporting or subsequent articles to read.
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4. Ensure that article does not contain any broken links

Having broken links in the knowledge base affect the SEO health of the site.
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5. Insert media file appropriately at the right place to support your text content

Adding the right files (images, videos, animations, PDF, etc.) in the right space inside an article adds context and helps in visually elaborating the crux to the reader.
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6. Enable comments on your article to receive your reader’s feedback

Effective feedback (Positive, negative, or neutral) benefits the article contributor, the respective reader, other readers, and the company.
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7. Enable social channel links in your article

When your readers find something interesting or useful, they can share the article on their favourite social media channels.
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8. Add a favicon to your documentation site

Adding a favicon increases the ability for readers to visually confirm they are on the right site. It also helps register your brand identity in the minds of the knowledge base reader.
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