The "Ask Eddy" option is available on your home page and the Knowledge base site's search bar. This AI assistant provides more contextual answers to reader queries and prompts. This helps the user avoid having to search and read through multiple articles, instead providing answers from your existing Knowledge base. This option is an Addon and requires the Team account to enable from the portal settings.


"Ask Eddy" availability

Currently, "Ask Eddy" is available only on the main workspace of your project and only available for the "English" version. When prompted, the assistive search provides answers from the main workspace content.

Turning "on" the "Ask Eddy" for your Knowledge base


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to "Settings > AI features > Eddy"
  2. Turn on the "AI assistive search" toggle
  3. The AI assistant "Eddy" now searches and indexes your Knowledge base content
  4. This process takes a while
  5. Once complete, the "Ask Eddy" button will be available on your Knowledge base site search bar and the Home page

How do my readers use the AI-powered assistive search feature?

Your Knowledge base site users click the "Ask Eddy" button, and a prompt input popup opens. They can type in any prompt or query to get tailor-made answers.

Recommendations for optimizing your experience as a reader with Eddy

1. Converse Naturally:

  • Why: Speak to "Eddy" as you would to a human.

    Example: Instead of "Search for articles on templates," try "Eddy, find me articles explaining Document360 templates."

2. Provide Detailed Context:

  • Why: Enhance understanding by setting the stage and providing context.

    Example: Instead of "Errors in the documentation," try "Eddy, help me identify and resolve errors in the Document360 user guide."

3. Customize Persona:

  • Why: Instruct "Eddy" to adopt a specific identity for personalized responses.

    Example: Instead of "Search for software updates," try "Eddy, imagine you're our IT expert and update me on the latest software changes."

4. Embrace Creativity:

  • Why: Encourage experimentation and creativity in your queries.

    Example: Instead of a standard search like "Knowledge base structure," try "Eddy, let's play! Imagine you're a content strategist and suggest an ideal knowledge base structure."

By following these recommendations, you harness the power of Eddy's AI capabilities and make your interactions more engaging and tailored to your specific needs. Feel free to experiment, instruct Eddy creatively, and watch as your queries yield more insightful and personalized results.

Recommendations for optimizing your experience as a contributor with Eddy

Writing documentation that is easily understood by AI (Eddy) involves incorporating clear language, structured formatting, and adherence to specific guidelines.

1. Use Clear and focussed language

  • Express ideas in a straightforward manner, avoiding unnecessary complexity
  • Break down complex concepts into simpler, digestible parts
  • Define technical terms or provide links to detailed explanations.

2. Structured formatting

  • Use clear headings and subheadings to organize information
  • Employ bullet points and numbered lists to present step-by-step instructions
  • Highlight key points using bold or italics for better parsing by bots

3. Consistent terminology

  • Maintain consistency in the use of terminology to facilitate understanding
  • Use the Glossary feature in Document360 to achieve this
  • Avoid ambiguity by using specific and standardized terms

4. Avoid jargon overload

  • Minimize the use of industry-specific jargon unless essential.
  • If technical terms are necessary, provide brief explanations or context.

5. Elaborative text content

  • Elaborate the content and clearly specify the content's intent
  • If you use multimedia content, ensure that you provide a text explanation of what the media is trying to convey
  • Break down information into shorter paragraphs for better readability
  • Provide explicit answers to questions in the form of FAQs to minimize inaccurate answers by "Eddy." AI bots tend to hallucinate when the content is not elaborate or explicitly mentioned

6. Provide context and examples:

  • Offer real-world examples to illustrate technical concepts
  • Provide context to help the reader understand the purpose and application of the information

7. Use descriptive headings

  • Craft descriptive headings that accurately represent the content
  • Headings should act as a guide, summarizing the content beneath
  • Avoid repetitive heading text in the same article

8.Test with "Eddy"

  • Utilize "Eddy" to analyze your content for clarity and coherence
  • Make adjustments based on feedback from these tools.

By implementing these recommendations, you can create and manage documentation that is not only comprehensible to humans but also easily processed and understood by AI and NLP bots like "Eddy".

Data privacy

Document360's "Ask Eddy" utilizes OpenAI APIs in its backend operations. Data is transmitted to OpenAI through their APIs. OpenAI adheres to a privacy policy that prohibits the use of customer-submitted data via our API for training OpenAI models or enhancing OpenAI's service offerings. Both Document360 and OpenAI comply with GDPR regulations. Additionally, Document360 is SOC 2 compliant.
An extract from the policy states, "OpenAI will not use data submitted by customers via our API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI's service offerings."

Read the complete OpenAI API data usage policies
If you any queries regarding Document360's data policy, please read our Privacy policy


  1. What data or information does Ask Eddy collects?
    Ask Eddy does not collect any Personal Identifiable Information (PII). We collect prompts (questions), Eddy's response, citation articles, and feedback; This collected data is available as part of Eddy Search Analytics
  2. What technology does Ask Eddy use?
    Eddy utilizes OpenAI APIs under the hood for its functionality. We send data to OpenAI via their APIs. According to OpenAI's privacy policies, data sent via their APIs will not be used to train their GPT models.
  3. Does Ask Eddy use any other source other than our knowledge base?
    No, Ask Eddy does not use any other sources. It solely relies on your knowledge base content to generate responses. If there is insufficient information or context available in your knowledge base to answer a specific question, Ask Eddy will respond with "I do not know."
  4. How does Ask Eddy protects your data?
    We know that privacy and security is critical for many organizations. We are committed to protecting your organization’s and user’s data and privacy. We use industry-standard security practices, reputable subprocessors with SOC 2 compliance, and provide the controls needed for organizations to meet their own data protection requirements.
  5. What does credit mean for Ask Eddy?
    One credit equals one question (prompt) asked. As part of our standard offering, Ask Eddy can be used to ask 5000 questions. Please contact our support team or your customer success manager if you wish to purchase additional credits
  6. How does Ask Eddy work on private knowledge base?
    Ask Eddy utilizes the access controls you have set to generate an appropriate response based on the user's access control and permissions. If a logged-in user lacks access to a specific article but asks a question where the restricted article holds the answer, Ask Eddy will respond with "I do not know."
  7. How quickly does Eddy's response reflect new content?
    After updating an article, it generally takes around 30 minutes for Eddy's response to align with the changes if a question is posed regarding the updated content. Similarly, when deleting an article, Eddy typically takes about 30 minutes to stop referencing the content from the deleted article.
  8. Does Ask Eddy search within attachments?
    Currently, Ask Eddy does not search within attachments. This means any content within your PDF and Word document which you have attached or embedded within your knowledge base article, is not indexed by Ask Eddy. However, we will support this functionality in future release updates.