The "AI writer" option allows the article contributor to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to aid in writing. Here is the list of actions you can perform with the Document360 AI writer. You can use the Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Spacebar" to launch the Eddy input.

  • Make longer
  • Make shorter
  • Outline creation
  • Change tone
  • Convert speech
  • Improve it
  • Convert into table


The AI writer is by default turned "Off" in the Knowledge base portal,

  1. Ensure that your project is already subscribed to the "AI writer" addon
  2. From the , navigate to "Settings > AI features > Eddy"
  3. Turn on the "AI writer" toggle
  4. Third party web browser extensions can affect the smooth working of the Document360 AI writer. If you face any issues, please turn off the browser extensions before continuing

Accessing the AI writer

The AI writer is available only in the Advanced WYSIWYG editor.

  1. While writing using the Advanced WYSIWYG editor, select a piece of text content

  2. The bubble menu appears with the available tools

  3. Click the "Eddy" option and choose the desired actions

    • Make longer
      Elaborate the selected text.
    • Make shorter
      Provide a short and concise summary of the selected text
    • Outline creation
      When the author types in a prompt to create a content outline on a specific topic, the "Eddy" AI acts similar to other AI content generation platforms and creates an elaborate outline on the mentioned topic."
    • Change tone
      Changes the tone of the selected text to a chosen type. The available tone options are Professional, Friendly, Casual, Straightforward, and Confident.
    • Convert speech
      Document360's AI Eddy can change the selected text from
      • Direct speech to Indirect speech
      • Indirect speech to Direct speech
    • Improve it
      This AI option enhances the quality of the selected content and improves attributes such as
      • Grammar
      • Semantics
      • Clarity
      • Phrase structuring
    • Convert into table
      This AI option allows you to convert the selected text into table format.
  4. An AI response popup window appears

  5. You can perform either one or more AI operations in a single window

A single AI response window can be used to regenerate responses for up to 10 instances.

  1. When you click on "Regenerate", the preset action is repeated
  2. Click "Replace" to replace the selected text.
  3. Team accounts can "Rate this answer" based on the output once in the AI response popup

Data privacy

  • As this feature uses a form of OpenAI integration, we adhere to the privacy policies of OpenAI. We send data to OpenAI via their APIs.

  • An extract from the policy states, "OpenAI will not use data submitted by customers via our API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI's service offerings."

  • Any data sent through the API to OpenaI will be retained for analytical purposes for a maximum of 30 days, after which it will be deleted.

Read the complete OpenAI API data usage policies
If you have any queries regarding Document360's data policy, please read our Privacy policy