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You can export the articles list and status into .csv and .xlsx (Excel spreadsheet).

You can filter the desired fields and export the report.

For example, you want to export the published articles of a specific author in the last six months.


  1. Choose the desired filter(s)
  2. Click the Export option next to the filter
  3. Choose either Export to CSV or Export to Excel

Export to CSV - To export the .csv file type. It can be viewed with Microsoft Excel, Open Office, Google Sheets, and Text editor
Export to Excel - To export the .xlsx file type. It can be viewed with Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

  1. This action downloads the respective file type onto the device's local storage
  2. The exported file consists of the following details:
    • Article title
    • Category title
    • Article status (Article status in the knowledge base portal)
    • Date (Last modified date)
