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With Document360's URL mapping feature in Knowledge base assistant, you can display specific articles and categories depending on the page the end user is visiting with. You can also use URL mapping to hide the Knowledge base assistant on particular URLs or provide a search bar with a custom placeholder to point end users in the right direction of what to search.

Using URL mapping

A URL mapping is configured for a specific action within the Knowledge base assistant on a particular URL.


There are four different actions you can trigger within the Knowledge base assistant:

  1. Hide - The Knowledge base assistant icon will not display on the specified URL
  2. Single - A single article will display within the Knowledge base assistant on the specified URL
  3. List - A list of selected articles will display under a "Recommended" section within the Knowledge base assistant on the specified URL
  4. Search - You can set a specific search term to query your knowledge base and return a list of search results within the Knowledge base assistant on the specified URL

These actions can be found within the Add URL Mapping panel or when you edit an existing mapping.

For URL Mapping to work, the Knowledge Base assistant must be installed within your site or app.

URL Parameters

There are three types of parameters you can include in the configuration of the Knowledge base assistant URL:

  1. Include Path: /thisis/a/path
  2. Include Query: ?animal=bear
  3. Include Hash: #inbox

You can also include regular expressions in your URL by enabling the Is Regex toggle.

Setting up recommended articles and categories to display in the Knowledge base assistant

URL Mapping

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge base assistant → URL mapping

  2. Click New URL mapping on the top right

  3. Enter the following:

    • Friendly Name - The URL Mapping name will only be shown on the URL mapping record within Document360

    • URL pattern - Select the desired URL parameter type (Include path/Include query/Include hash). You must enable at least one URL parameter
      Type in the URL on which you want the article/category to show or action to occur

      Your domain name is not included in the URL path. For instance,, your URL Path would be /ebook/rapid-guide-to-launch-your-knowledge-base/
    • Action - Select the desired action

    • Project version - Select the desired version (if you have multiple versions)

    • Language version - Select the desired language (if you have multiple languages)

    • Article - In the search bar, select the articles/categories you want to show from your knowledge base documentation

    Category type

    Folder categories are not available for selection. Only page and index category types are available for selection.

  4. Click Create

Suppose an end user accesses your specified URL path and opens the Knowledge base assistant; they will see the article/category you have mapped. The article/category will be retained even when you navigate between the Knowledge base assistant tabs within the same version and language.

Editing URL mapping

You can edit the already set URL mapping.

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge base assistant → Setup configuration

  2. Hover over the desired Knowledge base assistant and click Edit

  3. In the URL mapping tab, you can find the list of available URL mapping

  4. Hover over the desired URL mapping and click the Edit icon

  5. The Update URL mapping blade appears

  6. Update the desired information and click the Update button

Deleting URL mapping


  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge base assistant → Setup configuration
  2. Hover over the desired Knowledge base assistant and click Edit
  3. In the URL mapping tab, you can find the list of available URL mapping
  4. Hover over the desired URL mapping and click the Delete icon
  5. Click Yes in the Delete confirmation prompt

Settings - URL mapping

You can define the Knowledge base assistant behavior for URLs that do not have mapping configured. Defining this behavior can improve the user experience and accessibility to the documentation.


  1. Go to the Installation & Setup tab of the desired Knowledge base assistant (SettingsKnowledge base assistantSetup configuration)
  2. Under Set your controls, expand the Settings - URL mapping section
  3. Select the desired option:
    • Navigate to the page help/knowledge base: Select this option to display the article/category in Page help or Knowledge base tab in the assistant
    • Do not make any changes to the existing setup: Select this option to display the last opened article/category in the assistant
  4. Click Save