With the knowledge base Category block, you can add links on your home page that are displayed as cards and/or popular categories from your documentation.

For example, you want to showcase the popular categories on your knowledge base home page

Adding knowledge base categories block

  1. From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to "Settings -> Knowledge base site -> Customize site"

  2. The page holds all the fundamental site design configurations

  3. From the "Customize site" page, click "Customize site" again

  4. From the left side drop-down menu, select the Home page

  5. You can view the list of body blocks in the body section

  • The reorder icon ( ) facilitates the rearrangement of elements.
  • Click on the preview icon ( ) to toggle the visibility of elements.
  1. Click the Add section and select the Knowledge base categories from the available options

Available options

  1. The Knowledge base categories will be added to the list. Click on it to open the Knowledge base categories blade
    a. Title: Allows to add or edit the title of the knowledge base categories
    b. All icon color: Used to change the color of all icons in the block. By using this option, you can change the color of all the icons in the block

  2. Open the Knowledge base categories drop-down menu and click the Add element

  3. Select the category: When you click on this field, a drop-down menu shows the category list available in your knowledge base. Choose the desired knowledge base category

  4. Filter category: Use the Filter category option to search for categories by name. You can select the required categories and make them visible on the home page

  1. Select any category element, and that category blade appears

Icon: To change the icon for the element

Icon size

It is always recommended to use image files in square dimensions to avoid distortions to the image.

For example, 30px x 30px (or) 50px x 50px.
px → pixels

Title: To add or edit the title of the block

Paragraph text: To add the category description

  1. Similarly, you can add more elements

Drag: Click and drag the (:::) icon to rearrange the category

  1. Once you have made changes, click on the Save (💾) icon


How will you remove the Knowledge base categories?

  • Click on the Knowledge base categories block. The Knowledge base category navigation bar appears

  • Below the navigation bar, you'll find the Delete(🗑) option. Click on it

  • A delete confirmation prompt appears. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes

  • Similarly, here you can delete any specific category