
  • An active Document360 account that is "Professional" plan or higher
  • The GitHub addon purchased on Document360
  • A GitHub account and repositories

Configuring GitHub on Document360

  1. From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to "Settings > Knowledge base portal > Extensions"
  2. Scroll down the available extensions or use the dropdown at the top and select "Code repository"
  3. Click the "Connect" button


  1. A new Install window opens
  2. Either select "All repositories" or "Only select repositories"
  3. Click the "Install" button


  1. If you're not already logged in to GitHub, you land on the login screen
  2. Enter your GitHub credentials and log in
  3. Now you are redirected to the Document360 Knowledge base portal
  4. The "Create category" module opens up

Creating a GitHub category to sync repository

  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to Documentation
  2. Click Create (at the top left of the screen) → New category. The Create new category module appears
  3. Select "GitHub" as the category type


  1. Select the repository from your configured GitHub
  2. Now authorize the mapping by entering your GitHub password in the "Content access" window
  3. Click "Confirm"
  4. The repository category, along with all the branches, are created as articles in Document360


  1. Each time a GitHub user updates the repository, the content is synced with the mapped Document360 articles
  2. You can observe a branch icon next to each entity in Document360
Category structure in Github

Please ensure that your Git repository is properly set up and configured to enable us to fetch the content into the Document360 project.

In GitHub, create a "docs" folder where you can organize subfolders and Markdown articles.
Any images used in these articles should be stored in the ".document360/assets" directory.

For example, if an image is referenced in a file named 'What is Document360?', it should be moved to the '.document360/assets' folder."

Team accounts cannot edit or publish these articles. If any changes are required, edit the source repository on GitHub, and the changes are synced in the Document360 article.
