After you complete your integration setup in Document360, you also have an option in the integration setup blade where you can set up Advanced Insertion rules for the integrated applications where you can set up specific Integration rules like

  1. Show
  2. Hide

For example, If you are integrating Google Analytics with your documentation site, you can set the condition to the snippet/code you integrate to extract data only on user-specific cases like

  1. IP Address
  2. Project
  3. Language

You can set Show/Hide(means include or exclude snippet/code) on three user-specific conditions IP Address, Project, Language.

IP Address-Specific

If you select IP Address from your advanced insertion rule option in your integration settings, you can select Show/Hide according to your preference. In either case, you can also set specific rules.

For Example:
If you need to collect the Google Analytical data of your internal users specifically, you can use the IP Address rule. When setting the Operator Exact, you will be getting the reports from the specified IP Address.


But, when you set it to Range in the operator drop-down, you can select a range of IP Addresses that you need to collect the Google Analytics report, and so, the Range method comes convenient when you have a range of IP Addresses to be dealt.


The setup for Project and Language-specific functions are alike as IP Addresses, and you can set this Add rule option to have the integration function work to your specific choice of preference.


If you select Project from your Advanced Insertion rule option in your integration settings, you can select 'Show/Hide' according to your preference. In either case, you can also set specific rules.

You can set it for a specific project version, and you can do this in both Show and Hide cases. There is also a toggle bar to include or exclude project rules in the advanced Insertion rules.


In Language, you can set up the specific language you want to add or remove in the advanced insertion rule settings and Google Analytics will/will-not extract data from the specific language in your site, according to your preference set in the Insertion rules.