New features
1. Ticket deflectors
Ticket deflectors – Helpdesk configuration
We have added yet another feature to the Ticket deflectors. Now users can raise support tickets from the Document360 ticket deflectors form directly onto third-party helpdesks like Freshdesk or Zendesk.
Here’s how you can configure the helpdesk on the ticket deflector. Click on Settings → Knowledge base site → Ticket deflectors → Notification & Ticket. On the right when you scroll down you can find the Helpdesk ticket section.

a. To configure Freshdesk, add the API key and Domain URL obtained from Freshdesk on the Document360 Helpdesk configuration blade.
b. To configure Zendesk, add the API key, Domain URL, and Zendesk agents’ Email obtained from Zendesk on the Document360 Helpdesk configuration blade.

Each time a reader raises a ticket, a replica of the ticket would be recorded on the helpdesk platform you have configured.
Ticket deflector – Analytics
Analytic data is now available for the Ticket deflectors. You can access this by clicking on the Analytics menu and Ticket deflector option.
Here you have access to four sections
• Dashboard
• Feedback
• Satisfaction
• Search
Each section gives a distinct drill down into the different analytics data. This data helps to understand the reader, retune the ticket deflector, and address the changes required in the knowledge base.

2. JWT
A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a means of representing claims to be transferred between two applications. JWT is used only for the Readers login.

You can easily create a JWT (Settings → Advanced → Enterprise SSO → JWT) which is referred to here as the Client secret. You can use this in your application to configure Document360 Enterprise SSO login for your reader. Unlike the other IdP options available (Okta, Azure AD, etc) the user is not required to have a separate reader account on Document360; the account on the client application would do. After the JWT login is enabled, the reader can use the client application credentials to log in to Document360 knowledge base site as well.

3. Download article as PDF on Knowledge base site
We have now introduced the option for readers of your knowledge base site to download individual articles as a PDF. The download PDF option would be available on the top left of the article, along with print and share buttons.

By default, this option is enabled in your new or existing project. You can disable this by going to Settings → Knowledge base site → Article settings & SEO → Article settings. In the Article header section, turn off the Show download PDF button toggle to disable this option for your readers.
1. Billing and payments
a. Version add-on
Now you can buy additional version add-ons with new restrictions based on your higher plan tier (For ex. If you are a customer in the Standard plan, you can purchase a version add-on with the available business tier plan versions). This option is available across all the plan tiers.
b. Team accounts add-on
The restrictions for the number of team accounts have been lifted and you can now purchase any number of team accounts on your project irrespective of the plan tier. This option is available across all the plan tiers.
c. Downgrade plan by yourself
Earlier, if you wanted to downgrade your project from a higher plan tier to a lower plan tier (For ex. Enterprise → Business) you had to contact customer support on Document360. Now you can do it by yourself in few simple steps by unchecking the option in the downgrade window (Settings → Billing → My plans → Downgrade). The only limitation here is that few dependency features like Content reuse, Ticket deflector, Custom roles, and Enterprise SSO have to be manually altered or disabled before you can proceed with the downgrade.

d. Get feature
We have added the Get feature button on the different feature pages in Standard and business tier plans. You can also view a brief intro on what the feature does and an explainer video on the right. When you click on the Get feature button, a billing blade would open with all the feature list, add-ons, and cost information. You can click on the Confirm payment button and your plan would be upgraded to an upper tier.

e. Feature caps changed
Now you can enjoy the revised cap for API tokens and Article review reminder feature across all the plan tiers. API token is set to the max limit of 10 and Article review reminders to the max limit of 10.
2. Integration rules (Show/Hide)
You can now set Show and Hide rules for all the configured third-party integrations in your knowledge base. You can configure the conditions based on IP address, Project, and Language.
Go to Settings → Knowledge base site → Integrations and click on an already configured integration or add a new integration. In the Add integration blade, you can find the Advanced insertion rules section. Now choose the Show and/or Hide rules. Once you’re done, click on the Add button at the bottom.

3. Ignored links on Links status
Now we have added a new link type called Ignored links along with the working, broken, redirected, and unknown. In this context when you add a link to the Ignored link category, that link will be omitted from all the upcoming scheduled and manual validations. Any team member with access to Links status can Ignore or include links anytime and any number of times on their project.

• Overall performance and security of Document360 has been improved
• Adding new languages in a version is now easy with an exclusive icon for languages on the versions page
• Export to PDF in the Portal is capped at 2 MB. Users might face issues when they try to export the project to pdf, when the size of all the articles in the project is more than the 2 MB limit.
• We have now limited the subdomain name to 63 characters