Eddy search analytics empowers you to understand and optimize the performance of your knowledge base. The Eddy search analytics overview page provides information on the overall Eddy performance, search metrics, including no result searches of your knowledge base site. Also, you can visualize search analytics through charts and graphs for better understanding.

Often, you may have questions that aren't addressed in the documentation, or certain topics may see increased traffic due to recent product updates or releases. Eddy search analytics helps address these scenarios.

How will you enable AI assistive search?

  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to Settings > AI Features > Eddy.

  2. Turn on the AI assistive search toggle.


Accessing Eddy search analytics

  1. From the knowledge base portal, go to Analytics > Eddy.

  2. The Eddy - Assistive Search overview page appears, with the analytics data for the last month (default filter selection) displayed. You can use the filter dropdown at the top to select different time periods, such as "This month," "Last month," or "Custom."


You can filter the data for any specific desired month.

  1. You can view the following article performance metrics as tiles:
  • Total searches: The overall count of searches performed in Eddy.
  • Successful search: The searches that returned at least one result.
  • No result found: The total number of searches that did not produce any results.
  • Feedback received: The total number of feedbacks received based on the search.


Search analysis

There are three metrics displayed as tiles and on the graph:

  • All: Represents the total count of searches performed in Eddy.
  • Successful search (green line): Indicates searches that returned at least one result.
  • No result found (red line): The total number of searches that did not produce any results.



Try to maintain the "No result" searches as low as possible compared to the "Successful" searches to ensure your readers are finding the right content when they perform a Knowledge base site search.

Feedback chart

The feedback charts display the data illustrating the total number of positive and negative feedbacks, along with the percentage information.


Popular searches

  • This section showcases the top five popular search keywords, along with their frequency counts for the selected month.

  • Clicking on any keyword reveals a panel with search and no-result searches related to that keyword, along with feedback information.

  • Click Export CSV to export the information as a CSV file.


No result searches

  • The top five search keywords with no results are displayed along with their frequency counts for the selected month.

  • Click on any keyword to display the list of search prompts for the specific keyword.

  • Click Export CSV to export the information as CSV file.


Most referenced articles

The top five referenced articles with their occurence counts for the selected month are listed.


Search and No result search

  1. Search:
  • The most searched keywords appear here with the feedback information.

  • Click Export CSV to export the data as a CSV (.csv) file.

  • Click Download ( ) to download the last set of files exported.

  1. No result searches:
  • The keywords searched by readers that didn’t return any results appear here.

  • Click Export CSV to export the data as a CSV (.csv) file.



1. Why am I unable to filter the data on a weekly basis?

The popular search and no-result search keywords are derived based on the algorithmic grouping methods. These methods require a sufficient amount of data to categorize keywords based on the frequency of responses generated.

2. How do I resolve queries for which no response is generated?

To address queries that receive no responses, identify the relevant articles based on the keywords derived from no-result search prompts raised by readers. Update the content of these articles accordingly.