Markdown doesn't have a built-in way to add shadows to images, but you can use HTML tags within Markdown to achieve this effect.


Sample code

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Alt text" style="box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px gray;">

Replace the image.jpg with your image URL and add the alt text for your image in place of "your-image-description"

In this sample, we're using the box-shadow CSS property to add a shadow effect to the image. The box-shadow property takes three values: the horizontal offset, vertical offset, and blur radius of the shadow.

In the above sample code, we use a

  • Horizontal and vertical offset of 3 pixels
  • Blur radius of 3 pixels
  • Color of the shadow is set to gray
Shadow color

You can also change the shadow color. Just replace "gray" with your desired color name.

Gray has been used in the example because it is the most commonly used shadow color.


Without shadow


With shadow
