You can change the table header color to increase the visibility of the header row. Follow the below steps to change the table header color across the knowledge base.


  1. Go to the Settings () icon > Knowledge base site > Custom CSS & JavaScript, and Custom CSS.
  2. Paste the below CSS snippet in the window.
table  th{
background: #70db70;
  1. Update the color as per your requirement.

In the above sample code, the color code is added as #70db70. You can change the color code as per your requirement.

  1. Click Save.
    1_Screenshot-change the color of the table header_code.png



By default, the table header appears as below.

2_Screenshot-Before_table header_color.png


After configuring a custom CSS, the table header color is changed to green (#70db70).

3_Screenshot-After_table header_color.png