If you have added any endpoints, deprecated, or made any changes in your API, you would need to regenerate the API documentation to reflect the latest changes.

You don't need to manually compare the current and previous specification files to update the API documentation. The steps in generating the API documentation with an updated specification file vary with the uploading methods (URL and OpenAPI definition file).

We will preserve the custom data added in the articles during the regeneration of the API documentation.

For example, you manually added a note in an endpoint article. When you regenerate the API documentation, the endpoint article will be updated with the latest content, but the note you added will still be available.

How to regenerate the API documentation with URL?

  1. Go to the desired project in the Knowledge base portal
  2. Click API documentation in the left menu bar
  3. Click API references at the top left
  4. Click '•••' next to the desired API reference for which you want to regenerate the API documentation
  5. You can regenerate the API documentation with a new URL or the existing URL
    • To regenerate with the existing URL:

      • Click Resync
      • The API documentation will be regenerated as per the latest specification file
    • To regenerate with a new URL:

      • Select Edit
      • Type the latest URL in the URL field
      • Click Update
      • The API documentation will be regenerated as per the latest URL specification file

How to regenerate the API documentation with the OpenAPI definition file?

  1. Go to the desired project in the Knowledge base portal
  2. Click API documentation in the left menu bar
  3. Click API references at the top left
  4. Click '•••' next to the desired API reference for which you want to regenerate the API documentation
  5. Select Edit
  6. Drag and drop the latest JSON or YAML file from your local storage into the Drop file here section
    Click the Click here to upload link, and the file manager of your local device appears. Select the desired file from which you want to import the API and click Open. Click Update
  7. The API documentation will be regenerated as per the latest specification file

How to resync the API documentation with CI/CD flow?

You can resync the API reference in your CI/CD pipelines with the help of your d360 npm packages.

d360 apidocs:resync 

You can also perform the resync manually using the above command.

Related videos

#1 Experience our Modern API Documentation in Document360 like never before

2 Test API Endpoints Directly from Documentation with Try it Feature

Related blogs

Introducing API Documentation: Enhance your API Experience - Click to read