The release notes are our monthly update that highlights recent product developments.
Here is up-to-date on what’s new in Document360 in the month of March 2019
Brand new feature
API Documentation
Document360 is open for Integration.
You can now integrate your software, flows and more with your Document360 documentation. On-boarding new users or dynamically creating articles from your support tickets is now possible with Document360 RESTful APIs. The possibilities are endless, so head over to our API documentation to get started with your first integration.
Set API documentation in action easily with Document360 RESTful APIs.
To use the Document360 RESTful API:
API documentation made easy with Document360. All you need to do is just generating an API token, receive responses and make your first Document360 API call.
Document360 RESTful APIs uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data and the Responses are in JSON format.
The Lightbox zoom effect had been enabled for images within the Documentation as well as for the images on the landing page. You just need to click on the images to zoom it. This Lightbox effect allows your images to be viewed center-stage in a larger format whenever they are clicked on.
Note: you can use your arrow keys to navigate between the two photos in this lightbox view.
Preview Hidden draft article
In Document360, we have included the functionality of previewing hidden articles. So that, once after authentication, you could see the hidden article preview on the landing page. If you are happy with the content and formatting, you could publish this article.
Exclude Internal and related article search in Analytics
Basically, we understand that Analytics helps to track how customers engage with your product knowledge base. So, to acquire precise analytics report, we have included the functionality to exclude internal and related article search from Analytics activity.