October 2023

Document360 is back with the most anticipated release announcement this October 2023. Let's look at some highlights from this release that you want to take advantage of.


Fresh new look - Document360 2.0

The entire Document360 2.0 platform has gotten a complete User Interface (UI) overhaul. The latest design, fluidic interactions, advanced authoring features, AI-powered, simplified interface, and a new experience are the core updates in Document360 2.0.

Introducing Document360 2.0

The new design, which was user selection for the last couple of months, is now the only official Document360 UI.

Dashboard - A bird's eye view of your project

Document360 2.0 now has a standalone Dashboard where you can view your project information and your contribution data to the project. The Dashboard is a hub for all your activity in the Knowledge base and helps you navigate to different modules in Document360.


Switching between projects with two clicks

Document360 2.0 allows you to easily switch between different Document360 projects using the new project dropdown at the top-left. This saves much time and overcomes the previous implementation of going through multiple clicks to navigate to a different project.


Introducing Eddy AI

An AI-infused documentation experience

Document360 2.0 has embraced the new AI innovations and has paired the OpenAI with the Knowledge Base platform to enhance the user experience. Here are the list of AI feature available for you.


AI assistive search - Ask Eddy AI

The "Ask Eddy AI" option is available on your home page and the Knowledge base site's search bar. This AI assistant provides more contextual answers to reader queries and prompts. This helps the user avoid having to search and read through multiple articles, instead providing answers from your existing Knowledge base. This option is an Addon and requires the Team account to enable from the portal settings.


AI writer

If you're using the Block editor, you can get help from the Document360 AI writer to enhance your content. At the moment, these are the prompts available for assistive writing:

  • Make longer
  • Make shorter
  • Change tone


Other AI features included

  • AI Related article recommender
  • AI tag recommender
  • AI article summarizer
  • AI title recommender
  • and many more to come

Group your Tags

Document360 2.0 has added the feature to group your tags in the library. Groups help you to consolidate closely related tags and view their dependencies across all articles, page categories, and files.

Article publish checklist

Now, perform the required article settings using the article publish checklist. When you click the Publish button on any article, you can view the "Configure article settings." Expand this section to add tags, associate-related articles, SEO descriptions, and article status. This reminds the team accounts to add these extra details to an article when they publish it.


Integrations and Extensions

  • Document360 2.0 offers a "Marketplace" look for the Extensions and Integrations page.
  • GitHub and Freshsevices have been added to the available extensions
  • We have introduced the "Federated search" feature to the Zendesk extension with Document360

Design settings consolidation

Document360 2.0 has brought the design settings in your Knowledge base under one consolidated menu (Settings > Knowledge base site > Customize site). The list of design modules grouped under this section are

  • Home page builder
  • Site design
  • Navigations
  • Custom pages


You can save your work in each step and preview the site. Once you complete all the required configurations, you can publish your Knowledge base site design.

Team accounts and Reader modules

You can observe a new approach when you add a Team account or Reader to your project. We have moved from the "Wizard" style to the consolidated popup interface. We have reduced the number of clicks involved in each section.


Block editor

The powerful third editor is now available as a flagship Document360 editor. The UI and writing experience feels similar to some of the popular editors you find in the market. We have introduced the "Bubble menu" to free up space so writers can enjoy an extended canvas to draft their content.
The AI writer feature is available exclusively on this editor.

Inline comments

We have heard customer requests and introduced the "Inline comments" feature in Document360 2.0. You can now add comments to any instance in the article, mention a Team account, and discuss this in a single interface. Users can use the comment status to track the progress.


Analytics - A fresh new look

  • A complete redesign of the Analytics menu and the introduction of "Articles" section (previously Geography and Performance)
  • A new "Reader analytics" data page is now available
  • Bounced results are now available under the "Search" analytics


Some features are in a new place

  • Formerly Bulk operations (Content tools >Bulk operations) is now available as "All articles" on the Documentation Editor on the left
  • Knowledge base widget is now moved from "Settings" to the main menu on the left
  • Article settings has been moved from the right side in the Documentation editor to the top right of the screen
  • No search feedback is now available under the Feedback manager (Content tools > Documentation > Feedback manager)

Other highlights in Document360 2.0

  • "Import article" is now simplified and more user-friendly with easy selection of single or multiple article tabs
  • Documentation export is now possible with category-level content selection
  • Article creation module is now enhanced with the ability of category selection dropdown
  • The category creation module is also enhanced with the option of adding a GitHub category