August 2023


1. API Documentation

Earlier, the Document360 API documentation tool supported just OpenAPI specification files. From this release, Document360 supports OpenAPI and Postman specification files.

Postman specification file

  • The Postman specification file should be less than 15 MB

  • Only "Basic auth" and "Bearer token" are the supported authorizations in the specification file

  • You can upload other authorization files, but then you cannot send requests or use the "Try it" feature

OpenAPI specification file

  • Document360 now supports anyOf and oneOf in the OpenAPI specification files

2. Zendesk extension

We have enhanced the Document360 integration on Zendesk with a new look, feel, and more options.

What's new

Here is the list of new enhancements compared with the previous integration (Document360 app in the Zendesk window)

  • Project workspace and language selection are available at the top

  • The Project name is displayed in full and not truncated

  • Document360's brand color and styling is observed

  • The "Open in Knowledge base" option is moved next to the article title

  • Users can create root-level categories and subcategories on the Knowledge base from Zendesk

  • If the search did not bring up any results, the "Create a new article" option is displayed

  • The article creation module is similar to the Document360 portal interface

  • When you link an article in a response chat, a "Linked" label appears next to the article

  • The "last updated date" information is now visible in the article

  • The Document360 quick-access icon is available in the Zendesk reply section's toolbar

3. New Document360 (2.0 Design)

Here are some enhancements in the new Document360


  • The "Export as CSV" option is now available on all the "Analytics" modules


  • A new look and feel to the menus and tools in the Block editor

  • Article settings menus (right side of the window) are now moved to the top of the editor

  • Discussions are available at the top next to the "Settings" icon

  • Article information such as contributors, attributes, and word count is available when you click on the "i" (Article information) icon next to the article title

  • Adding article description is moved next to the article title

  • Article analytics, Health check metrics, and Revision history moved inside the "More options" next to the Publish/Edit button at the top


  • The "Export to PDF" option is now available on articles

  • "Configure article settings" added to the publish module. The options available when you expand this section are Tags, SEO description, Related articles, and Status indicator


Minor security updates, bug fixes, and performance improvements can also be observed in the Knowledge base portal and Knowledge base site.