"No search result feedback" provided by Knowledge base site users or readers is compiled and can be managed in the Feedback manager.


Where can my readers access the "No search results form?

The "No search feedback" appears on the site's Homepage and the Knowledge base site (Categories and article view).

Accessing the "No search" feedback section

  1. Go to Content tools → Documentation → Feedback manager → No search results feedback
  2. You can find the list of reader feedback on the left
  3. Click on any of the "No search results" feedback provided, and the expanded context appears on the right
  4. From here, you can assign feedback to team accounts by clicking on the "Assignee" dropdown. The assigned team account receives an email notification
  5. You can manage the "Status" of the feedback (Open, Planned, In progress, Complete, and Closed)
  6. You can use the "Discussions & history" to add internal comments or respond to the feedback provider (by switching 'on' the "Notify to end-user/reader" toggle)


Overview page elements

Key Option Description
a. No search feedback list Received from the reader for a search term
b. Feedback provider email If the reader has provided their email. If not provided, the "Anonymous" tag appears
c. Search terms The term or phrase that did not return any result from your Knowledge base site
d. Discussions & history Timeline of the actions performed within the feedback
e. Export Generate a CSV from one to 90 days of feedback data
f. Filter Narrow down your feedback data with the below filter options
g. Assignee You can assign the feedback to any team account in your project. Click the dropdown and select the desired term account. You can also search the team accounts by their names
h. Status You can change the status of feedback
i. Discuss or Respond If you switch "Off," the toggle the comments you enter here appear only on the portal. If you switch "On" the toggle, the response is sent to the feedback provider

Export to CSV

You can export the feedback data at any time.

Feedback data for 90 days can only be exported.


  1. Navigate to Content tools → Documentation → Feedback manager → No search results feedback
  2. You can find the list of no search result feedback
  3. Use the available filter options at the top to narrow down the list


  1. Click ExportExport to CSV
  2. Wait for a few seconds, and a Download icon appears next to the feedback
  3. Click the Download icon to download the file to your local device's storage

Bulk actions

You can perform bulk actions for the "No search feedback."


  1. Navigate to Content tools → Documentation → Feedback manager → No search results feedback
  2. You can find the list of no search result feedback
  3. Click and select the feedback tiles from the list
  4. The number of feedback selected appears at the top
  5. Two other options appear (Only after at least one feedback is selected)
    • Assign feedback - Bulk assign feedback to any one team account
    • Change status - Change the status of the feedback
  6. The "Manage feedback" popup appears with the "Assign feedback" and "Change status" options
  7. Click on "Save" once the desired bulk action is selected


Why are "Bulk actions" not available after I select the feedback?

When you select the feedback tiles with "Closed" status, the bulk actions do not appear at the top.