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Once one or more notification channels are set up, you can configure which Document360 events trigger notifications and the different channels that receive these notifications.

Document360 events are segregated into eight segments:

  • Documentation editor
  • Home page builder/Drive
  • Knowledge base portal settings
  • Knowledge base site settings
  • Knowledge base assistant settings
  • Users & Security settings
  • Tool settings
  • Knowledge base site
  • Analytics

Enabling/Disabling events

By default, all events in Document360 will be turned off. You can configure notifications for an entire section or specific events with one or multiple channels. To trigger notification for all applicable events, you can enable All Events at the top.

Enable/disable notification for events

  1. Go to SettingsKnowledge base portalNotificationsNotification mapping
  2. Document360 events are segregated into eight segments mentioned above
  3. Find the event you do or do not want to receive a notification for
  4. Enable or disable it using the toggle switch. A green toggle background means it is enabled. A grey toggle background means it is disabled.
If an event is enabled for notifications, it must have at least one channel added.

Mapping notification channels to events

You can push event notifications for an entire segment or mix and match events from each segment.

  1. Click SettingsKnowledge base settingsNotificationsNotification mapping
  2. Find the event you want to receive a notification for and turn on the toggle
  3. You can click on the + button next to individual events to map a notification channel
  4. If you want to map channels for an entire segment (For ex. Project admin settings), click on the Map to channel button in the intended segment

Analytics weekly report mail


All project owners receive an analytic report of the project once every week.
If you wish to opt-out of this email:

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge base portal → Notifications → Notification mapping
  2. Expand the Analytics section and disable the Analytics weekly mail toggle