Plans supporting the use of labels in articles
Professional | Business | Enterprise |
Labels help streamline content management and organization within the Knowledge base portal. Using article labels, you can efficiently sort, filter, and categorize articles efficiently, saving time.
For instance, if you need to filter release notes specifically to perform updates or review them, use the label filter in the All articles () section to locate these articles quickly.
Article labels are only available in the Knowledge base portal and are supported across all plans.
Adding labels to articles
You have multiple options for adding labels to articles. The steps below outline each method available in the Knowledge base portal.
Method 1: Adding Labels from the article editor
Method 2: Adding Labels from the All articles section
Method 3: Adding Labels from the Workflow assignments section
Method 4: Adding Labels from the Starred section
Method 5: Adding Labels from the Folder or Index category
To add labels to an article in the editor, follow these steps:
Navigate to the desired article in the Knowledge base portal.
Click the More () icon and select Labels.
Alternatively, click More () > More article options and go to Labels tab in the Article settings panel.
In the Add labels panel, enter the desired label name and press Enter.
Alternatively, to add an existing label, type the label name and select it from the dropdown list.
Click Add.
To add labels in the All articles section, follow the steps below:
Navigate to Documentation () > All articles () icon on top of the Categories & Articles section.
Select the desired articles and at the top, click the More () icon > Add labels.
The Add labels panel will appear.
Enter the desired label name and press Enter.
Alternatively, to add an existing label, type the label name and select it from the dropdown list.
Click Add.
Use the Filter dropdown to sort articles by label:
Click Filter and expand Labels section.
Choose your labels or search for specific ones.
Click Show more to view additional labels and click Apply to filter.
To add labels in the Workflow assignments section, follow the steps below:
Navigate to Documentation () > Workflow assignments () on top of the Categories & Articles section.
Select the desired articles and click Add labels at the top.
Enter the desired label name and press Enter.
Use the Labels filter to narrow articles based on labels.
To add labels in the Starred section, follow the below steps:
Navigate to Documentation () > Starred () on top of the Categories & Articles section.
Select the desired articles and click Add labels at the top.
Enter the desired label name and press Enter.
To label a specific article, hover over it, click More (), and select Add labels.
Click Add.
Use the Labels filter to narrow articles based on labels.
To add labels from a Folder or Index type category, follow these steps:
Navigate to the desired category in the Knowledge base portal.
To label a specific article, hover over it, click the More () icon, and select Add labels.
Alternatively, select multiple articles and click Add labels at the top.
Enter the desired label name and press Enter.
Click Add.
How many labels can I add to a project?
You can add up to 10,000 labels per project.
Is there a limit on the number of labels per article?
Yes, you can add up to 10 labels per article.
Can I use the same label across different articles?
Yes, you can reuse labels across multiple articles within the same project.
What is the difference between tags and labels?
Tags are keywords visible on both the Knowledge base site and portal, helping users categorize articles, enhance navigation, and optimize search results.
Whereas labels are exclusively available in the Knowledge base portal. They are used for internal content organization and management and are not visible to end users on the site.
Can I search for a specific article using labels in the Knowledge base portal?
No, labels cannot be used directly in search. However, you can filter articles by labels in the All articles section.
Can I add labels to images and videos?
No, currently, labels can only be added to articles.
Will labels appear in the Knowledge base site?
No, labels are only for internal use within the Knowledge base portal and do not appear on the Knowledge base site.