In this article, you can find answers to the following questions

Adding a new folder

Here are the methods to add a new folder in your Drive.

Method 1 - Adding a root level folder using the "New folder" button

37_Screenshot-Drive_Adding_folders_and_files-New folder_method_1

  1. Navigate to the Drive by clicking on the "Drive" icon in the left menu bar
  2. You can view the existing Folders and Subfolder in tree-view style on the left side
  3. Click the New folder option on the top left, and a New folder popup appears
  4. Enter the Folder name
  5. The folder location by default is "Root level" (You can add a new root level folder from anywhere in the Drive using the location dropdown)
  6. Click the Create button

39_Screenshot-Drive_Adding_folders_and_files-New folder_popup

Pro tip

When you create folders for your knowledge base Files, it is easier to navigate and maintain if the folders are in-sync with the Category and Subcategory of your knowledge base.

Method 2 - Using the "+" option in the "Folder manager" (left-side navigation pane)

Use the left-side folder navigation pane to add a root level folder. This works similarly to adding a category from the "Category manager" in Documentation.

38_Screenshot-Drive_Adding_folders_and_files-New folder_method_2

  1. Navigate to the Drive by clicking on the "Drive" icon in the left menu bar
  2. You can view the existing Folders and Subfolders in tree-view style on the left side
  3. In the left navigation bar, hover the mouse pointer over the space between the folders, and the "+" icon appears
  4. Click the "+" icon, and the "New folder" popup appears
  5. Enter the Folder name
  6. The folder location by default is "Root level" (You can add a new root level folder from anywhere in the Drive using the folder location dropdown and click on the "Reset" option)
  7. Click the Create button

Adding subfolders

You can add subfolders once you have more than one root-level folder.

Method 1 - Using "More (•••)" option in the left-side navigation pane


  1. Navigate to the Drive by clicking on the "Drive" icon in the left menu bar
  2. You can view the existing Folders and Subfolders in tree-view style on the left side


  1. Click on the More options (•••) button next to the folder, select Add folder, the "New folder" popup appears
  2. Enter the Folder name
  3. The folder location by default is the folder you click on the More (•••) option (You can add a subfolder from anywhere in the Drive using the location dropdown)
  4. Click the Create button

Method 2 - Using the "+" icon in the left-side navigation pane

38_Screenshot-Drive_Adding_folders_and_files-New folder_method_2

  1. Navigate to the Drive by clicking on the "Drive" icon in the left menu bar
  2. You can view the existing Folders and Subfolders in tree-view style on the left side


  1. In the left navigation bar, hover the mouse pointer over the space between the folders, and the "+" icon appears
  2. Click the "+" icon, and the "New folder" popup appears
  3. Enter the Folder name
  4. The folder location by default is the folder you click on the "+" (You can add a subfolder from anywhere in the Drive using the location dropdown)
  5. Click the Create button

Ensure the root level folder is in expanded view (The arrow indicator on the left side of the folder is pointing downwards); if not, another folder on the same level is created.

Deleting Folders

Deleting a root-level folder in the Drive also deletes its subfolders and files. This can cause broken images and file links in articles referencing any deleted file.

Adding files

1. Using drag and drop - Empty folders

You can add individual or multiple files into the folders or subfolders. If your folder is empty, use the ** drag and drop** at the center with an Upload file button.


You can either perform a drag and drop of files from your device's local storage (or) click the Upload files button and use the file explorer to select your files.


2. Using the "More •••" option in the left-side navigation pane

To add a subfolder, you can use the left navigation bar to add files using the More ••• button and the Add files option.


File limits and type restrictions

File limit in a single folder

The cap on the file limit is set at 5000 per folder. If you have a subfolder inside a parent folder, that subfolder would be treated as a separate folder.

File size limit for upload

Single file upload – The maximum file size is 150MB per file
Multiple files upload – The maximum combined size of all the files selected should be no more than 160MB

How to add file type restriction?

You can restrict the file types you and other team accounts want to upload.

For example, you want to restrict the team accounts to upload only .png files.


  1. Go to SettingsKnowledge base portalGeneralDrive settings
  2. Allow all media types is the default selection
  3. Click on Allow specific formats only and click Add format


  1. Enter the "Media type" and "Extension" field
  • Media type - Type in the media you want to restrict. You must enter the following format: media type/extension. Refer the basic media format types for better understanding
  • Extension - Type in the extension type. This is a case-sensitive field. Ensure that you enter the lowercase alphabet in this field. (For example, .png, .svg, .jpg)
  1. Click Add media type to add the following allowed format
  2. Click Save after you have added the allowed file formats