If you wish to have more workspaces in your Knowledge base to segregate your content. In this case, you can buy workspace addons. There are two ways to purchase the workspace addons.

Method 1

  1. Go to Settings -> Knowledge base portal -> Billing -> My plan

  2. Click the Purchase addon

  3. Click + and - applicable for the Workspaces to add or remove a workspace addon

  4. Review the cost of the addons and the Amount due

  5. Click Confirm Payment to proceed with the payment

  6. Payment successful! message appears, and the version addon is processed successfully

  7. Click Download invoice to download the invoice for the payment done


Method 2

  1. Go to Settings -> Knowledge base portal -> Localization & Workspaces -> Localization & Workspaces

  2. Click New workspace at the top right

  3. Click buy more

The link for buy more is availble only for Owners.

  1. Click + or - to add or remove a workspace addon

  2. Review the cost of the addons and the Amount due

  3. Click Confirm Payment to proceed with the payment

  4. Payment successful! message appear, and the version addon is processed successfully

  5. Click Download invoice to download the invoice of the payment done


The screenshots used in this article are for illustration purposes and the pricing figures are recorded as of March 2023. Please check the Document360 Pricing page for the latest information.