Every Article and category page has a Discussion feed where you can converse, tag(mention), and collaborate with Team accounts regardless of the roles on your project. Peer reviews, approvals, and conversations can be discussed within the portal using the Discussion feed.

Accessing the discussion feed

  1. In Documentation, click on "Discussion" at the top right
  2. The Discussion blade appears with the history of conversations (if any)
  3. You can type in your comments/messages in the text box on the bottom right and hit the Send icon
  4. It would be posted as a bubble in the feed along with a time stamp and the profile name


Character limit

There is no character limit cap for this field

Tag/mention team members in the discussion

  1. You can easily tag any team account from your project
  2. Just type in '@', and the list of team members would be listed
  3. Choose the intended team account by clicking on their profile


Mention notification

When you tag/mention a team account, an email notification is sent to their address that includes

  • The name of the team member who mentioned
  • The article name and link to the article
  • The language and version
  • The comment or message (sometimes masked)
  • A login to your account button and a link to the portal

Delete from feed

You can delete the comment/message you've posted previously in the feed.
Hover your mouse pointer over the message bubble, and a delete icon appears. Click on it, and the message is removed.


Only you can delete the comment/message you have posted and not other team accounts.

Restore deleted comment/message

If you accidentally delete or need to restore a removed message, click the Undo option in the deleted bubble. The discussion bubble restores in the feed.