Article-portal search

Plans supporting portal search


The Articles - Full portal search acts as a dedicated space to search the entire project's articles and category pages. Perform a combined search across all the workspaces and languages simultaneously.

Accessing the articles through full portal search

  1. Click on the Search () icon to the right of the top navigation bar.


    Press the Escape button to retract this screen.

  2. Click on the All drop down to the left of the search bar and select Articles.

  3. Type in the keyword to perform a search.

  4. The articles/page categories matching the search item will be displayed as you type the keyword.

    The search result will display the following information:

  • Article title

  • Breadcrumb

  • Article workspace

  • Language

  • Status of the article

  1. You can apply filters from the Filter () option available on the right side below the navigation bar.

  2. To preview, click on the desired search result.

  3. Click on the full screen () icon to expand the preview. Click the previous (<) or next (>) button to navigate between the search result articles.

  4. Click on the Go to article option at the top of the preview to navigate to the article.

    Perform full portal search to navigate to the article module.


a. Workspace/Language

Click on the dropdown and select the Workspaces(s) and Language(s) for the search results. The language selection can be found when the Workspace dropdown is further expanded. If you want to search across all the available workspaces(s) and language(s), either select the Workspace checkbox or don't apply this filter.

b. Visibility

Filter the search results based on the visibility state of the article. There are three selections available, None, Visible, and Hidden. The None would be the default selection which would mean no filter is applied.

c. Status

Filter the search results based on the article status. There are four statuses available, None, New article, Draft, and Published. The None status would be the default selection which means no filter is applied.

d. Contributors

Filter the search results based on the article contributors. Click the Contributors dropdown and the list of contributors appear. Use the search by username field to search for the desired contributors.

e. Tags

Users can apply this filter to narrow down the article/category page associated with the specific tag(s). Use the search tags bar to find the tag required. Users can select multiple tags.

f. Updated on

Users can filter the results using the Updated date range. The selections available are 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, 1 year, and custom date range selection.

Select the desired filter and click Apply. The articles will be narrowed down based on the selection. To clear the existing filters, and reset the search, click the Clear button.