Embedding Stream videos in articles

Plan supporting embedding stream videos in articles


You can insert both Microsoft sharePoint stream and the latest stream videos into a Document360 article. These videos can be embedded in both the Markdown and Advanced WYSIWYG editors.

Embedding SharePoint Stream videos

  1. Navigate to the Streams platform.

  2. Select the video you wish to embed in your article.

  3. Click on Share at the top-right of the video page, then select Embed code.

  4. An embed panel will appear with additional parameters:

    • Choose the Start from timestamp (e.g., 01:23).

    • Choose the Player size (e.g., 640x360, 1280x720, etc.).

    • Optionally, select the following settings:

      • Autoplay

      • Responsive

      • Show title

  5. Click Copy embed code.


Ensure you manage the access permissions for the Stream video you embed in the article. Without proper permissions, the readers won't be able to view it. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Stream support article on permissions.

Embedding stream videos in the article

Embedding Microsoft Stream videos in article

Markdown editor

  1. Navigate to the desired article in the Knowledge base portal.

  2. Paste the embedded video code in the indented location within the article.

Embedding stream videos in the article

Advanced WYSIWYG editor

You can embed videos in two ways using the Advanced WYSIWYG editor:

Method 1:

  1. While editing the article, click on the Code View () icon.

  2. Paste the embed code in the desired location.

  3. Press Ctrl + S to save the changes.

Method 2:

  1. Using the slash menu /Video or go to Insert () > Video.

    The Insert video panel will appear.

  2. In the Embed code tab, paste the copied embed code.

  3. Click Save.

Embedding stream videos in the article

Knowledge base site view

4_Screenshot of Knowledge base site view Embedding videos


Can I embed Stream videos on external pages?

Yes, you can use the Embed Code option on the video page. This option uses the iframe tag to add an inline video.

How does embed code snippet look like?

<iframe src="<Stream video URL>" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen title="<Video_file_name>"></iframe>