Suppose you want to insert a Microsoft Stream (Classic) or the latest Streams video in the Document360 article.

In that case, you can embed the video in both Markdown and Advanced WYSIWYG editors.

Copy the Embed code from Microsoft Streams


  1. Go to the Streams platform
  2. Select the video you wish to embed in your article
  3. Click on the Share icon at the top-right of the video page and click on Embed code
  4. An Embed blade with other parameter selection appears
    • Choose the Start from timestamp (For example, 01:23)
    • Choose the Player size (For example, 640x360, 1280x720, etc)
    • Choose the following self-explanatory options if required
      Autoplay, Responsive, Show title
  5. Click on the Copy embed code button

Head back to your Document360 Documentation editor and paste the copied 'Streams embed code' inside the article. For detailed workflow, view the below section.

Video access permission

Ensure you manage the access permission of the Streams video that you embed in the article.

Embedding Microsoft Stream video in the article

Markdown editor

  1. Go to the desired article
  2. Paste the embedded code of the desired video in the desired location

Advanced WYSIWYG editor

You can insert embedded videos in two methods.
Method 1 - Pasting the code in te Code-view

  1. Go to the desired article
  2. Click Code view and paste the embedded code in the desired location
  3. Press Ctrl+S

Method 2 - Using Insert Video

  1. Go to the desired article
  2. Click Insert (+) → VideoEmbedded code
  3. Paste the embedded code and click Insert

Knowledge base site view



1. Can I embed Streams video on external pages?

Yes, you can use the Embed code option on the video page. This option uses the iframe tag to add an inline video.

2. How does embed code snippet look like?

<iframe src="<Stream video URL>" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen title="<Video_file_name>"></iframe>