Many organizations around the world use Asana for organizing, tracking, and managing their work. You maintain different tasks under different projects to manage different teams. Documentation is one such team with multiple writers, editors, and external content agencies.

Use - Case

You have chosen Document360 as your Knowledge base platform. Your company works with multiple external vendors for content contribution. Asana makes for a good collaboration platform, but you have the task of adding the articles created on Asana onto the Document360 knowledge base. Yes, it can be done manually, but it takes more effort, is time-consuming, and the probability of the mishap is high.

Currently, there is no direct integration option available between Asana and Document360 from either of the platforms.

How will you integrate Asana and Document360?

As a workaround, you can use Zapier integration to bridge this gap. By connecting Asana and Document360 on Zapier, you can easily facilitate the content flow between these platforms.

Ensure that you have logged into your Zapier account.

  1. Click Create -> Zaps

  2. Zap was created with Trigger and Action flow in it


Else, click the below link and select Try this templete

Connecting Asana and Document360


Step 1: Connect Asana

In Trigger, fetch the Asana information.

  1. In Trigger, choose Asana

  2. In the App & Event section, select the required Event to trigger in the Asana


If you wish to configure a different app later, you can do that by clicking on Change

  1. Click Continue

  2. The Account section enables. Click Sign in, and key in your credentials in the new access window. Click on the Allow button

Connecting Asana account

If your account is already linked, you can directly select yout account.
Select your Asana account -> Next
Select your Workspace -> Next
Select your Project -> Next


  1. Click Continue

  2. Click Test trigger and Zapier runs a test to make sure the trigger is correctly configured

Step 2: Connect Document360

  1. In Action, choose Document360, Document360 blade appears on the right

  2. Choose the desired Event

  3. In the Account section, you need to sign in with your Document360 credentials

  4. Click Sign in, and a new pop-up window would open with an API token field to connect with the knowledge base project

  5. You can obtain the API token from the Document360 portal

API Token generation
  • Go to Settings → Knowledge base portal → Extensions → Team collaboration
  • In Zapier assistance, click Connect
  • Click Copy


  1. Head back to the pop-up window, paste the API token in the field

  2. Click Yes, Continue to Document360


  1. You can find the connected Document360 project on the Connect Document360 account page

If you wish to configure a different account later, you can do that by clicking on Change

  1. Click Continue

Customize Zap

Map the required fields from Asana into Document360

  1. You have multiple options to choose from (depending upon your business requirements):

  2. The selected element(s) would be added as the title of the article

  3. The selected element(s) would be added as the content of the article

  4. Map the below

  • Version - Choose the desired workspace in the knowledge base project, you want the article to be created in

  • Language - Choose the desired language in the selected version, you want the article to be created in

  • Article - Choose the desired article in the selected language

  1. Click Continue

Step 4: Test Zap

  1. Once you have configured the actions in Document360, the Zap needs to be tested to make sure it’s configured correctly
    (Zapier would create an article on Document360 to make sure everything works)

  2. Click Test step. If successful, visit your Document360 knowledge base portal and you can find the desired article under the category you have previously selected

  3. Once done, click Publish. Choose True for the article to be published. Choose False for the article to be in draft state.

Step 5: Turn on Zap

  1. Now that the Zap has been tested and made sure it works fine, review/edit the settings before turning on the Zap.

  2. You can edit the settings configured on the trigger and the corresponding action of the new article in Document360

  3. Finally, click on the Turn on Zap button

  4. You would get a success message window stating Your Zap is on!. You can click on the Manage your Zap button to go to your Asana+Document360 Zap overview page.

Created Zap Overview

Create articles in Document360 from new Asana tasks

You can view and edit the information about your created Zap on the Zap overview page.


Whenever a new task is created in Asana, zaps runs automatically to create an article in Document360.