Plans supporting editors


1. Can I switch from WYSIWYG to Markdown editor?

No, you cannot switch from WYSIWYG to Markdown editor.

2. Can I switch from Markdown to WYSIWYG editor?

Yes, you can switch from Markdown to the WYSIWYG editor. However, you cannot switch back to the Markdown editor in the future.

3. Can I use the HTML content in the Markdown editor?

Yes, you can use HTML content in the Markdown editor. However, it is recommended to use Markdown syntax in the Markdown editor to avoid inconsistency.

4. How to set the default editor for Documentation?

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge base portal → General → Documentation

  2. Under the Editor section, select the desired editor and click Save

  3. Now all the  new articles will be created in the chosen default editor
    Note: You cannot switch from WYSIWYG to Markdown editor at article level.

5. Do the existing articles get affected by the change in the default editor?

No, existing articles will remain in the same editor as before. Only the new articles that you create will be in the chosen default editor.

6. Why changes done in the editor are not saved automatically?

You would have updated the content in the Code view. Autosave functionality is unavailable in the Code view. When you use the Code view option in the WYSIWYG editor, make sure that you save manually (Ctrl/Cmd + S).

7. How to undo the recently changed content in the editor?

  • Press Ctrl + Z to update the recently changed content.

For example, you mistakenly a sentence in a long article, and you are not sure about the instance. Press Ctrl + Z and the latest modification is removed.

  • If you want to retrieve the previous revision of an article/page category, click View History and you can see the list of revisions. Perform the desired action.
    You can click the 'Click here' to undo the forked version message directly after you fork an article

8. How to add inline images?

You can add inline images only in the WYSIWYG editor.

  1. Insert an image in the WYSIWYG editor

  2. Click the image in the editor and you can view the image formatting options

  3. Click Display → Inline

  4. Again, click the image and select Align. The list of image alignment options appears

  5. Select Align left or Align right. The inline option works effectively for None/Center alignment

If None/Center alignment is chosen, the image can be dragged and placed anywhere in that particular text line. But the text wrapping will not occur on the previous and next lines of text.

9. How to insert a PDF file?

  1. Click Insert File

  2. Select the desired file in the Drive and click Insert

Once inserted, the preview of the PDF file appears in the article/category page with options to download or print.

10. How to copy and paste a large table from a third-party site or another Knowledge base?

The below steps is a workaround for this requirement and works only in the WYSIWYG editor.

  1. Copy and paste the desired table into Microsoft Word or Google Docs

  2. Now copy and paste the desired table into the WYSIWYG editor

  3. A pop-up window appears with the options Clean and Keep

  4. Click on Clean and the table is pasted successfully

11. How can I enable review reminders for the articles/category pages?

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge base portal → General → Documentation

  2. Under the Review reminder section, enable the toggle

  3. Set the desired number of days for review reminder. You can select from 1 to 365 days

You can also apply a review reminder individually or apply it to a group of articles.

12. What is review reminder?

Review reminders help team accounts deliver the most accurate information to customers and internal teams by alerting project members when an article is ready for review. This helps to keep your article up to date.

13. What is Insert LaTeX?

You can insert expressions and equations with the Insert LaTeX option.

Markdown editor:

  1. Click on Insert latex option and a sample latex syntax () appears

  2. Type in your desired syntax

  3. The syntax must start and end with $

Don't add a space between $ and syntax.

  1. Click here to view the basic latex commands used in latex syntax

WYSIWYG editor:

  1. Click the Insert latex option and a Insert latex expression window appears

  2. Type in your desired latex syntax and click Insert

  3. Click here to view the basic latex commands used in latex syntax

14. How to change the category type?

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the desired category in the category manager

  2. You can find the ••• (More) option adjacent to the category name

  3. Click ••• (More) → Change category type

  4. Select the desired category type and click Update

15. Can I change an article to a category?

You cannot directly change an article as a category. However, you can have a category page that is similar to an article.

  1. Copy the content from the desired article

  2. Create a category page. To create a category page, visit adding a category article

  3. Paste the content on the category page

  4. You can perform all article actions on the category page

16. Does an article heading hyperlink still work when I change the heading name?

No, hyperlinks would not work when you change the heading name.

For example, you have added a hyperlink for H3 "Markdown editor", and later you change the H3 as "The Markdown editor", the hyperlink would not work.

Visit this link to find a workaround.

17. How to hide a category/article in the Knowledge base site?

  1. Go to Documentation in the Knowledge base portal

  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the desired category/article in the category manager and the More (•••) option appears next to the category/article name

  3. Click More (•••) → Hide

18. Does timestamp appear in uploaded videos?

Yes, the timestamp appears for both the online and offline videos in Document360. Timestamp does not appear in gifs.

19. What is the character limit for the article/category title?

The character limit for article/category title is 150 including spaces.