Plans supporting find and replace


Find and replace allows you to search and replace a keyword/phrase across your project's articles and category pages.

You can search only words and numbers and you can replace those with words, numbers, and selective characters.


Performing the find and replace operation

  1. Go to the Documentation () icon > Content tools > Documentation > Find and replace.

  2. Enter the desired keyword/phrase you want to search in the Find field.

    • A list of articles and category pages which has the keyword/phrase appears.

    • You can use the available filter options by clicking on Filter available on the top-right to narrow down the results.

    • Select the Match whole words checkbox to find and replace a specific word/phrase.

    For example, when you replace page with article, all occurrences of page will be replaced with article but only when it is a separate word. The word homepage will be ignored for this action.


    The number of times the term is mentioned in the article is fetched by the Find field and displayed as occurences. The occurrences are displayed at the top of the article preview pane.


  1. Select the articles and category pages in which you want to replace the text.

    • To replace the text in the desired article, select the adjacent checkbox.

    • If you want to replace it in all instances, select the check box adjacent to the Articles/Category pages column header.

  2. Enter the desired keyword/phrase you want to replace in the Replace with field.

  3. Click Replace.


The Replace button is enabled only when you select at least one article/category page.

  1. Select the desired article status after replacement.

    • Publish - To publish the article after replacing the keyword/phrase.

    • Draft - To keep the article in the draft after replacing the keyword/phrase.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. To view the full article on a new tab, click on the open article in new tab () icon near the Article preview.

Filter options

The following filter options are available:

  • Workspace/Language - To filter the search results by workspace and language.

  • Visibility - To filter the search results by visibility status (Visible/Hidden).

  • Status - To filter the search results by article status (New article/Draft/Published).

  • Contributors - To filter the search results by contributors. You can search by team account name, and multiple selections are allowed.

  • Tags - To filter the search results by tags.

  • Updated on - To filter the search results by last updated date range.


Find and replace in editor

  1. You can also use the Find and replace tool within the Editor.

  2. Navigate to the desired editor and click the find and replace () icon.


    When the tool is used from the editor, it finds and replaces the text only in the respective article.


Who can access the Find and replace?

Find and replace is available only for team accounts with Content role as Editor (or) custom content role with the Perform Find and replace permission.

Can I perform Replace without entering anything in the 'Replace with' field?

  • You can perform Replace without content in the Replace with field. The keyword/phrase entered in the Find field will be removed from the selected articles and category pages.

  • When you enter nothing in the Replace with field and click Replace, the 'Replace content is not provided' message appears in the 'Confirm replace' prompt.

Does the 'Replace with' change the Markdown or HTML syntax entered in the editor?

No, it does not replace the Markdown or HTML syntax entered in the editor. It replaces the text that appears in the Knowledge base article.

For example, to replace the keyword "Set up" with "Install" in an article with Markdown syntax, enter as : Find - Set up; Replace - Install.

Do the search results return the articles in the Recycle bin?

No, the articles and category pages dumped in the Recycle bin will not be covered in the search.

How many replacement events can be performed?

The occurrences in a maximum of 1000 articles can be replaced in a single event.