You can add hyperlinks to a letter, symbol, word, phrase, paragraph, image, or file on your article or category page.

You can add three different hyperlinks to your Article or category page.

  • Search & link to an existing article
  • Link to current article heading
  • Link to any URL

You can link to another article in your Knowledge base by highlighting any text in your current article and clicking on the link icon in your editor toolbar.

Start typing the name of the article you would like to link in the Paste URL or type to search field. A list of matching article names will appear in a dropdown.

Select the article to link, check the box if you'd like it to open in a new tab, and then click Ok in the Markdown editor or Insert in the WYSIWYG editor.

Bookmark links inside articles/category pages

Interlinking inside the article content is essential when working with long articles or category pages. Users can search for and add links to the headings (H2, H3, H4) from the same article.

The H3 and H4 tags would show up in the linking inside the article dropdown only when enabled in Settings.
Go to Settings → Article settings & SEO → Article settings → Article right. The H3 and H4 should be selected.


  1. Just click on the hyperlink (🔗) tool in the editors and scroll down the overlay to find the link to the current article heading field

  2. Click on the dropdown and select from the Heading tags available in the article. The slug URL will be added to the Destination

  3. URL at the top, type in the Link text, and click on Ok

How to add an email link to an article?

Follow the below method for the Markdown editor:

  • Type in the Markdown syntax in this format → [link_text](mailto:email_id)

For example, you want to add an email hyperlink to and add link text as Email support
Type in the below Markdown syntax in the desired place [Email support](
Outcome: Email support

Follow the below method for WYSIWYG (HTML) and the Advanced WYSIWYG editor:

  1. Click the Insert link, and the Insert link popup appears
  2. Type in the desired Link text and add the desired email in this format → (mailto:email_id)
  3. Click Insert

For example, you want to add as an email and Email support as link text


Does an article heading hyperlink still work when I change the heading?

No, hyperlinks would not work when you change the heading name.

For example, you added a hyperlink for H3, "Markdown editor", and later you change the H3 to "The Markdown editor", the hyperlink would not work.

How to overcome this scenario?
This method is applicable only in the WYSIWYG editor. When you directly update the heading name, both the heading link and name get updated. The HTML tag for the heading id should be updated to change the heading and not update the heading link.

In general, the heading of H2 is <h2>Heading name</h2>. However, we can replace this tag with the following tag, where the heading link and name are splitted <h2><a name="heading-link"></a>Heading name</h2>

For example, you want to update the H2 heading name 'How Risk Analytics Works' to 'Risk Analytics'

  • Your current heading tag would be <h2>How Risk Analytics Works</h2>
  • Replace it with <h2><a name="How-Risk-Analytics-Works"></a>How Risk Analytics Works</h2>
    Heading link - How-Risk-Analytics-Works
    Heading name - How Risk Analytics Works
  • Now change the heading name to Risking analytics, and don't change the heading link
    <h2><a name="How-Risk-Analytics-Works"></a>Risk Analytics</h2>
  • If you have added a hyperlink for this heading, it will work fine even after changing the heading name. This is because the heading link is kept the same.

What happens to the hyperlinks when I do a machine translation? Do the links get auto-updated post-translation?

When you do a translation for an article, all the hyperlinks in the default language will be directed to the respective translated language in the new/draft article.

For example, you have an article in English that has internal hyperlink(s). These internal hyperlinks are directed to links in the English language. When you translate this article to French, all the internal hyperlink(s) are directed to the respective links in the French language.

Since the hyperlinks are redirected to the respective translated language, there might be a chance for broken links in the Knowledge base.

Maintaining the same article slug for similar articles across all languages is recommended to avoid broken links.

For example, if you have a Getting started an article in the English language with slug /getting-started, maintain a similar slug in the German language as /getting-started. This is because when you add a redirect rule, the hyperlink URL text for English language is docs/en/article_slug and for German language is docs/de/article_slug

Types of URLs

Absolute path/URL

An Absolute path/URL contains the entire address from the protocol (HTTPS/HTTP) to the domain name ( It includes the location within your website(/overview/interface) names within the URL.
It is the complete web address of a webpage.

For example:

Relative path/URL

A Relative path/URL contains the location following the domain ( It assumes that the link you add is on the same site and is part of the same root domain.
The relative path starts with the forward-slash (/). It is used to navigate and link within site. In Document360, you can observe this while using the linking feature in the editor, Article redirect rule, Tag redirect rule, Ticket deflector, and a few other instances.

For example:
Relative path: /v3/overview/interface