In Document360, you can use Smart bars to display banners or bars of information and messages overlaying the knowledge base at the site, project, and language levels based on certain conditions.


Smart bar overview

Go to "Settings -> Knowledge base site -> Smart bar". The Smart bar overview page appears.

  1. On your left, you can choose the Smart bar category like Global or any other specific language such as English, French, or German.

  2. On the right, you will find a list of predefined Smart bars, active and inactive, along with their status, details, show rules, and hide rules (if applicable).

  3. Click "Preview" to glimpse the actual Smart bar content and design.


Adding a Smart bar

  1. Click "New Smart bar," and the blade will appear.

  2. Enter the Smart bar's name in the Name field.

The name of the Smart bar will not be displayed on the Knowledge base site.

  1. On the right, the Status toggle is featured, allowing you to turn the Smart bar on/off.


  1. In the content section, you can enter messages to display in the Smart bar. Use the basic text formatting tools such as bold, italics, underline, and code view. Additionally, you can add hyperlinks to your messages.

  2. With the Global toggle, choose whether your Smart bar should be displayed globally or in specific languages.

Toggle ON - Global Smart bar

The message will appear across all the Knowledge base pages and in all language versions.


Toggle OFF - Language-Specific Smart bar

A Language dropdown will appear, and the Smart bar will be displayed only in the language-specific versions in your Knowledge base.


Design and position

  1. This feature allows you to customize the look and feel of the Smart bar. In the Bar position dropdown, you can select the position of the Smart bar from four predefined options:
  • Site Top
  • Site Bottom
  • Article top
  • Article bottom
  1. In the Bar styles section, you can select the color theme of the Smart bar.
  • Light theme
    The bar's background color is white, and the text will be black.

  • Dark theme
    The bar's background color is black, and the text will be white.

  • Custom theme
    Choose your background and text color using a color picker or Hex codes.

Advanced visibility rules

  1. You can set the visibility rule for your Smart bar to be shown or hidden in your Knowledge Base site. However, this is an optional field.

  2. Here is the list of rules you can use

URL - The Smart bar can be shown or hidden based on whether the URL contains specific defined word(s). Here, select the Executive type and Value fields as inputs.

Query - The Smart bar can be shown or hidden based on whether the URL has specific query strings (parameters). Here, the Operator and parameter key are the inputs.

IP address - The Smart bar can be shown or hidden for a specific IP address or a range of IP addresses. Here, you can select Rule visibility and operator and input a specific IP address or a range of IP addresses.

Browser - The Smart bar can be shown or hidden for any specific web browser based on the browser you select from the Browser rule dropdown.

Device - The Smart bar can be shown or hidden for specific devices like desktop, mobile, and tablet

Project- The Smart bar can be shown or hidden based on Rule visibility, Workspace, category, and tags.

AND/OR rule computation

  1. Choose between AND or OR toggle when adding more than one rule.
  • AND - In this condition, the Smart bar will be shown or hidden only if all the rules are evaluated to be true.

  • OR - In this condition, the Smart bar will be shown or hidden if any one rule is evaluated to be true.

  1. click on the delete icon to delete a specific rule.

  2. Once you added all the information, click the Add button at the bottom. The Smart Bar overview page shows that the Smart Bar has been added to the list.

Editing or modifying a Smart bar

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge Base portal → Smart bar → Smart bar overview page.

  2. Hover your mouse pointer over any Smart bar, and an Edit icon will be visible. Click on it. The Edit Smart bar blade appears, and here, you can edit the name, content, design and position, and advanced visibility rules.

  3. click Update at the bottom once you are done.


Deleting a Smart bar

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge Base portal → Smart bar.

  2. On the Smart bar overview page, you can see the active and inactive Smart bars list. Please hover your mouse over any specific Smart bar to be deleted, the delete icon appears, and click on it.

  3. In the Delete confirmation prompt, click Yes.
