A featured image is a representative thumbnail that usually appears at the top of content in most CMS (Content Management System) platforms. However, in Document360, the featured image functions differently. Instead of displaying at the top of an article on the Knowledge base site, it is primarily used for SEO purposes by search engines and appears when the article link is shared on external platforms.

Adding a featured image to an article

To add a featured image to an article from the Knowledge base portal,


  1. Navigate to any article (Published or Unpublished).
  2. Click the Article settings icon at the top right and click More article options.
  3. A popup appears with the available article settings.
  4. Click the Featured image tab.
  5. Click Upload an image.
    The Drive's file picker popup opens.
  6. Select the desired image and click Save.

Use the following recommendations while uploading featured images:

  • Image size: Optimal dimensions range from 1200x800 pixels to 2000x1200 pixels, ensuring clarity and responsiveness across devices.
  • Image type: Use high-quality JPEG or PNG formats to maintain image integrity and enhance the overall visual appeal of your articles.