In Document360, you can add a specific featured image for each article. Sometimes you could have missed adding a featured image. However, if you share the article on social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.,) without a featured image, then it may pick a random image available in the article. These random images do not make a good thumbnail for your articles often.

If you set a default featured image, it will be shared as the thumbnail for any articles that do not have a featured image. The featured image you want to add must be available on the web. If it is available on your local device, you can upload it to the Drive and utilize the image URL. Follow the below steps to set a default featured image for the articles in your knowledge base project.


  1. Go to the Settings ( ) icon > Knowledge base site > Integrations > New Integration.

  2. Select Custom HTML.

  3. Type in a description for the integration and ensure that Header is selected.

  4. Paste the below snippet in the Header section.

<meta property="og:image" content="Image_URL" /> 
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="Image_URL" /> 
  1. In the above snippet, replace the text "Image_URL" with the URL of your default featured image.

Sample URL:*****dd1/Images/Documentation/default_fi.png

  1. Ensure that the STATUS is enabled.

  2. Click Add.
