January 2019

**The release notes are our monthly update that highlights recent product developments.**

Here is up-to-date on what’s new in Document360 in the month of Jan 2019

Brand new feature(s)

Notification Channel

Enjoy faster communication experience!

Notifications are an established concept for alerting users. Mainly, it is a significant piece of information to make users aware of certain conditions that would need timely action. Notifications from Document360 could be sent through various external notification channels like Webhook, Slack, Microsoft Teams etc.

By default, external notification channels are in-built in Document360 to help your users enjoy faster communication. The only step you need to perform is to configure these notification channels with the appropriate URL, Access Token value (for Slack) and Authentication settings (for WebHook), and Teams WebHook Connector (for Microsoft Teams). What this means for you, is that if you are already using either of these channels in your organization, it becomes easier to receive alerts from Document360 right into these channels.

In Document360, you could set up custom Notification Channels easily as follows:

Configure a Channel

On the Notification -> Channels page, click the 'Add New Channel' button and navigate to the page you wish to configure and set up a new Notification Channel from the available options such as WebHook, Microsoft Teams, Slack or SMTP.

Manage your Channel

Once you complete configuring the custom Notification channel, you could manage easily by mapping the events that you prefer to be notified to the respective channel to receive notifications.

Navigate to Settings -> Notifications > Event Mapping

In the Notification Event Mapping, you could enable alert notification in the core settings if any changes in the below-mentioned areas.

  • Custom domain

  • Custom CSS or JavaScript

  • Custom Tags

  • Project backup

  • Project member

  • Project Imported or Exported

  • Article Redirection

  • Notification Channel

  • Appearance settings

  • Integration

Additionally, you could enable alert notifications for any changes at the level of

  • Documentation

  • Landing page

  • Category

  • Article

  • Drive

  • Payment

Notification History

In the ‘History’ section of Notification, you could view all the notifications that have been sent out from Document360 to the channels you have configured.


@Mentions in article comments

"Ensuring effective collaboration on your articles, among the users."

We have enhanced the comments section of the Articles in the Documentation portal, enabling you to tag any of your team members.

  • You could easily tag a user just by @mention in the text box in the Article comment section.

  • Immediately, you could view the list of Project members, click on the user name you want to tag and mention your comment and click the ‘send’ icon.

  • Once the user tagged, they would be notified via email with embedded comment description.

You could easily tag a user just by @mention a user in the text box of the Article comment section. Once a user tagged, they would be notified via email with embedded comment description.

Hiding Category

We have added the ability to hide your Category from viewing on Knowledge base and excluding it from the Search results.

For instance, in case if any of the Category is under development and you could maintain its privacy by hiding this Category from clients’ view inclusive of the Subcategories and articles within it.

Category tree enhancement

Another notable improvement was made in the Category tree, as we care your performance just like you. We have improvised the performance of the emoji library enabling it to load faster in your category manager and save your time.

Custom Footer

You could easily configure advanced custom footer in Document360.

To configure Custom Footer Navigation

  • We have included a Blank layout, so you could customize your preference with HTML & CSS sections.

  • Alternatively, we have added two predefined themes A and B with default HTML & CSS, so you customize your preference.