Site access

Plans supporting access to public, private, and mixed Knowledge base site


Site access refers to the access setting in your Document360 project that controls the visibility of your Knowledge base site.

To manage site access, from the knowledge base portal, navigate to Settings () > Users & security > Site access.

The three available site access modes are

  • Public

  • Private

  • Mixed

Public access

A public access Knowledge base site is accessible by everyone on the web. The published content of the Knowledge base can be accessed with direct links or via search engines on the web browser. No login is required.

Examples are,

  • Customer support knowledge base site

  • Product help center site

  • Self-service portal

  • Public API documentation

  • User guides and manuals

Private access

A private knowledge base means that the content is kept secure and private, only accessible to specific people with a Reader account or Team account. It is not open to the public.

Examples are,

  • Internal IT support KB site

  • HR policies and procedures

  • Company-wide knowledge sharing

  • Internal API documentation

  • Proprietary software documentation

When a knowledge base is set to private, readers must sign in with their credentials to view articles.

Mixed access

A Mixed access knowledge base is a hybrid site access setting that allows parts of the knowledge base to be public and parts of the Knowledge base to be private access only for the reader accounts with login credentials.

Examples are,

  • Public support articles with private internal docs

  • Customer-facing help center with internal HR KB

  • Public API with internal developer notes

  • Customer-facing compliance with internal audit trails

  • Public developer resources with private development guides

Managing site access settings

To view and manage the site access settings in your project,

  1. From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to Settings () > Users & Security > Site access.

    Your project's site access will be marked selected in this section.

    You can switch between the three access settings.

  2. Click on the desired site access to which you desire to switch.

    An Update visibility confirmation prompt will be displayed.

  3. To proceed with the change, you have to accurately type the subdomain of their project displayed in the prompt in the field.

  4. Once done, click on the Yes button.

    The site visibility for the project will be changed.


    When switching from Mixed to Private or from Private to Mixed, you might want to reconsider the previously assigned access permissions.

Updating site access

For example, if you wish to change the site access of your knowledge base from Private to Mixed,

  1. Log in to the Knowledge base portal and select your project.

  2. In your project, navigate to Settings > Users & security > Site access.

  3. Under the Knowledge base site visibility for project section, select the () Mixed radio button.

  4. In the Update site access popup, enter your project subdomain in the given field, and click Yes.

Site access settings for Document360 project, highlighting visibility options and user access.

You have now successfully updated the site access of your project from Private to Mixed.

Changing site access settings at the project level

To change site access settings at the project level,

  1. Navigate to Settings () > Users & Security > Site access in the Knowledge base portal.

  2. The project name would be visible at the top, and below that, a tree view of the versions and languages will be available.

  3. Expand the project name and you can change the workspace version and the language of the project.

    You can manage the content access of Readers or Reader group(s) with the list of the reader(s) and reader available with information like profile image, name, email, content access, and reader group.

  4. To search for any specific reader or reader group, use the search bar along with the Filter () option.

    You can filter content access based on Project, Workspace, and Language.

  5. To clear the existing filters, click the Clear all option.

  6. To remove the project-level site access of any reader or reader group from the list, click the Remove () icon available to the right when you hover over it.

  7. To deny access from a reader or a reader group, click the Deny () icon.


    When a project-level setting and version/language level access are added for the reader(s) or reader group(s), then the version/language level content access would take precedence over any project-level site access.

Assign workspace access

To assign workspace access to any reader,

  1. Click the Assign workspace access button from the list of Readers and Readers group.

  2. Once selected, click the Apply button.

    The chosen project access will be assigned to the selected reader or reader group.


This section provides step-by-step solutions for common login and activation issues, such as not receiving activation emails, encountering HTTP 500 errors during SSO login, or unauthorized access errors with JWT login. Follow the outlined steps to identify and resolve the problem efficiently or gather the necessary details for further assistance.

Activation email not received

If you haven’t received the activation email after being added to a project:

  1. Check your spam or junk folders in your email inbox.

  2. Ensure that no network filters or rules are blocking emails from being delivered to your inbox.

  3. If the activation email has expired, contact the project owner and request them to resend the activation email.

    If the issue persists after following these steps, please contact the Document360 support team for further assistance: Contact Document360 Support

For more information on adding readers to a project and activating emails to notify them, read the article on Managing readers.

SSO login issue: HTTP 500 error

Error: This page isn’t working - is currently unable to handle this request - HTTP 500 ERROR

Steps to resolve:

  1. Check if the issue is affecting all users associated with the project’s SSO Identity Provider.

  2. If the issue is isolated to a specific user, it may be related to browser or network settings.

  3. Try logging in using an incognito/private browsing window.

  4. Switch to a different internet connection and attempt the login.

  5. Use a different device to log in and see if the issue persists.

  6. If the issue persists after following these steps, please contact the Document360 support team for further assistance: Contact Document360 Support

    Provide the following details:

    • SSO configuration details for the project and the associated Identity Provider.

    • A generated product log file. For instructions, refer to the article: Generating a HAR File.

    • A screen recording that demonstrates the issue in detail.

JWT login issue: Unauthorized access

Error: Sorry, you're not authorized to access this documentation. Invalid authentication code.

You might encounter this error when logging in to the Knowledge base site using the JWT configured for reader accounts in the project due to unauthorized access.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Check if the issue is widespread or isolated: Determine whether the problem affects all readers in the project or is specific to readers from a particular region or network.

    For issues affecting a specific user:

    1. Ask the user to log in using an incognito/private browsing window.

    2. Try accessing the site using a different internet connection.

    3. Attempt logging in from another device to identify if the issue is device-specific.

  1. If the issue persists after following these steps, please contact the Document360 support team for further assistance: Contact Document360 Support

    Provide the following details:

    • A generated product log file. For instructions, refer to the article: Generating a HAR File.

    • A screen recording that demonstrates the issue in detail.


Why do I see a warning message "Widget script will be changed and it may affect the existing installed script," when switching my site from private to mixed mode?

The warning message appears as a general alert, but if you are switching from private to mixed mode, it will not impact your current widget setup or JWT configuration.

In Document360, JWT (JSON Web Token) support is available only for private and mixed mode sites. This warning message is mainly relevant when switching to public mode, where JWT is not supported and will be automatically disabled.