Plans supporting Knowledge base site 2.0
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Knowledge Base Site 2.0 introduces an improved experience for accessing articles and browsing information. With an enhanced user interface, better search functionality using AI, and streamlined content organization, users can quickly find relevant articles and troubleshoot issues efficiently. New features such as real-time updates and interactive elements make it easier to navigate and engage with content. The Knowledge base site ensures a more intuitive and efficient knowledge-sharing experience for all users.
For Your Information (FYI)
To migrate from KB site 1.0 to KB site 2.0, read the article on KB site 2.0 migration.
Overview of Knowledge base site 2.0
1. Header section
Logo image: Displays your organization’s branding element/logo. Clicking on it navigates you to your documentation home page.
Use the dropdown to navigate through different workspaces available in the Knowledge base.
Click on the API documentation workspace to navigate to the API documentation home page.
Primary navigation: Customize the primary navigation to help you navigate to different pages from your home page or Knowledge base site.
Announcement () icon: The "What’s New" page displays a list of recently published articles (new and forked) in the selected workspace.
Acknowledgment required (): This page displays the list of acknowledgment required/acknowledged articles.
Theme: Switch between System theme, light, and dark themes in the Knowledge base site.
By default, the light theme will be set as the system theme.Language: Select the desired language from the available list to read the articles.
Secondary navigations: Customize the secondary navigation to help you navigate to different pages from your home page or knowledge base site.
2. Left navigation pane
Search bar: Access the search function by clicking here or using the shortcut Ctrl + K (Command + K on Mac). Search for desired articles in the Knowledge base or use Eddy AI search for information. To know more information, read the articles on Search.
Hide navigation menu: Click to hide the left side pane for a wider view of the article.
Tree view: View the hierarchy of categories and articles in a clear tree structure.
Status of the article: This small color badge represents the status of the article (new, updated, custom). For more information, read the article on Article status.
Context menu: For private and mixed project users, hover over the context menu to view two options:
Follow category/article: Click to receive notifications whenever new articles are published or existing ones are updated. This is available only in private and mixed projects. For more information, read the article on Follow articles and categories.
Export PDF: Export the article/category as a PDF.
3. Article section
Breadcrumbs: Navigate back to the category and sub-category of the article.
Article title: Displays the title of the article.
Copy link: Click to copy the article’s URL to the clipboard.
Status badge: Displays the status of the articles (new, updated, custom).
Article date: View the published or updated date of the article.
Read time: View the estimated average time it would take to read the article based on word count.
Contributors: View the list of contributors who have worked on this article.
Share icon: Share the article via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Email.
More sharing options: Download the article as a PDF or print it.
Follow: Click here to follow the articles. This feature is available for reader accounts.
Article summary: Click to view the summary of the article generated by Eddy AI.
Acknowledgement required: Scroll to the end of the article and acknowledge article.
4. Image
When you click on an image on your Knowledge base site, the image opens in an image viewer.
Title text: It displays the caption of the image, if any.
Open link: To open the image URL, if available.
Zoom out (): To zoom out or minimize the image.
Zoom in (): To zoom in or enlarge the image.
Download (): To download the image to your local storage.
Close (X): To close the image.
Next (): To move to the next image.
Previous (): To move to the previous image.
Hold and drag the image to move it anywhere on the screen. The image closes when you click anywhere on the screen outside the image.
5. Right side pane
Hide navigation menu: Click to hide the right-side pane for a wider view of the article.
Files: View attachments associated with the article.
Tags: View the list of tags associated with the article.
In this article (Previously “Table of Contents”): View the list of headings within the article.
6. Article footer
Feedback of the Article: Click Yes or No and enter your feedback for the article.
Previous and Next Article: Navigate to the previous and next articles in the category.
Related articles: View a list of associated related articles.
This section provides step-by-step guidance to address common challenges that you may encounter while managing or accessing your knowledge base site. From website accessibility problems to configuration errors, each solution is tailored to help you quickly identify and resolve potential roadblocks.
Website fails to load after entering the URL
If a website is not accessible when you enter a URL, possible causes could be incorrect URL entry, browser cache issues, VPN interference, network problems, server downtime, outdated browsers, or incorrect system date and time settings.
Steps to resolve:
Ensure the website URL is entered correctly.
Reload the page.
Clear browser cache:
Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect to open the developer tools menu.
Right-click the browser's reload button and choose Hard reload or Empty cache and Hard reload.
Check if a VPN is active on your device. Disable the VPN and attempt to access the site again.
Ensure your system's date, time, and time zone are set correctly.
If the issue persists after these steps, consider contacting the support team for further assistance.
504 gateway timeout while accessing the site
Error: 504 gateway timeout
If a 504 error occurs while accessing the site, one possible reason could be the sub-folder configuration.
Steps to resolve:
Check recent changes in the web server configuration:
Review the location blocks or configuration files in the webserver for any recent changes.
If changes are identified, revert them to their previous state.
Verify the sub-folder Configuration:
A change in the sub-folder slug within the Sub-folder Configuration may cause the issue.
Revert any recent changes to the sub-folder configuration to resolve the issue.
For more reference on sub-folder configuration, refer to the article on Hosting Document360 on a sub-directory.
Page unresponsive while editing an article
Error: The page isn’t working. redirected you too many times. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.
If you encounter this error during article editing, possible causes could be an outdated browser cache, overly large articles causing performance issues, missing or improperly closed HTML tags, or excessive redirects due to incorrect configurations in the article.
Steps to resolve:
Clear browser cache: An outdated or corrupted browser cache can interfere with page functionality. Clear the cache, reload the browser and check if the issue persists.
Reduce article length: Large articles with extensive content can cause performance issues. Consider splitting lengthy articles into smaller sections and organizing them under relevant categories to enhance responsiveness.
Check for missing closed tags: Ensure all HTML tags in your article have corresponding closing tags, especially in Markdown. Elements like
, and<p>
should be properly closed to prevent rendering problems.
These steps can improve your editing experience and help prevent Page unresponsive errors.
Page isn’t working due to too many redirects
Error: Page isn’t working: page redirected too many times
Possible causes of this error include incorrect JWT Login URL configuration, using the domain URL as the Login URL causing redirect loops, or outdated settings in the JWT configuration.
Steps to resolve:
Check recent changes: Review any recent updates made to the JWT Login URL in the configuration.
Correct the Login URL: Ensure the domain URL is not set as the Login URL. Using the domain URL can cause multiple redirect issues.
Update JWT configuration: Remove the incorrect Login URL from the JWT configuration and replace it with the correct one.
For detailed instructions on configuring JWT, refer to the JWT article.
Sorry! Project not found during custom domain configuration
Error: Sorry! This project does not exist.
Possible causes of this error include incorrect or missing CNAME record configuration, expired CNAME records in the DNS, or incomplete domain verification in the Document360 portal.
Steps to resolve:
Verify CNAME Record: Ensure the CNAME record is added correctly and click the 'Verify' button on the custom domain page in the Document360 portal. Once verified, the custom domain will be set up and active immediately.
Check for CNAME Expiry: If the CNAME record was updated in the DNS after some time, it may have expired, preventing domain verification and resulting in the error message.
Reconfigure the Domain: Reconfigure the custom domain, update the CNAME record, and verify the domain in Document360.
For detailed instructions, refer to the custom domain mapping article.
Encountering "/home/error/" message while accessing the site
Error: /home/error/
Possible causes of this error include incorrect site configuration, server-side issues, or unresolved errors in the website's backend. You might encounter this error in the URL section after the domain URL.
Steps to resolve:
Contact support: Reach out to us at with the following details:
A screen share video demonstrating the issue on the page.
Steps to reproduce the error, if possible.
Provide HAR file: Follow the steps outlined in this guide to download the har file.
Share console errors:
After downloading the har file, click on the ‘console’ tab in your browser's developer tools.
Take a screenshot of the console errors displayed and include it in your email.
Icons not rendering correctly on the user site
In some cases, icons on the user site may not render correctly, especially when there are a large number of icons for different navigations. The primary reason for broken icons is an unintended modification of the FontAwesome family provided by Document360. This occurs when changes to other classes or HTML tags on the user site unintentionally alter the icon font settings.
To avoid this issue,
Ensure that changes to the site's styling or class definitions do not impact the FontAwesome classes or font family settings.
When targeting specific elements, double-check that icon-related styles remain intact and are not overwritten.
Steps to resolve:
1. Inspect the broken icon:
Use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the user site.
Click the broken icon using the selector tool to identify the issue.
Check custom CSS:
Navigate to Settings (
) > Knowledge base site > Customize site > Custom CSS & JavaScript in the Knowledge base portal. Review any font rules applied to various classes. In some cases, font changes may unintentionally apply to broader classes, affecting the icons.
Ensure font changes are applied only to the specific classes that require them. This will help preserve the default settings for Font Awesome and prevent any unintended impact on icons.
If the issue persists after following these steps, please contact the Document360 support team for further assistance: Contact Document360 Support
Knowledge base site loading without CSS styling
This issue typically occurs when the site is accessed from a network where Document360 domains are blocked or not whitelisted by your company or organization.
Steps to resolve:
Verify if the site works correctly when accessed from a different network. If it does, the issue is likely related to network restrictions.
To resolve this, whitelist the following domains in your network settings to ensure proper access and functionality.
Secure connection issues on the knowledge base site
This site can’t provide a secure connection
Your connection isn’t private
The connection for this site is not secure
Steps to resolve:
Check the CAA Record in DNS:
Verify if a CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) record is added for your knowledge base site in the DNS records.
If no CAA record is found, inspect the SSL certificate used for the site. Refer to the steps in the provided video for guidance.
Update the CAA Record:
Based on the SSL certificate provider, add the corresponding CAA record to your DNS.
For example, if the certificate provider is Let’s Encrypt, add the second CAA record as specified in the instructions. Similarly, ensure the correct CAA record is added for your certificate type.
Reference for CAA Records:
Learn more about CAA records and their importance by reviewing the following article:
CAA Record and Why It Is Needed (SSL-Related).
Contact the DNS Provider:
If the issue persists during custom domain setup, reach out to your DNS provider to confirm if there are any additional issues.
If the issue persists after following these steps, please contact the Document360 support team for further assistance: Contact Document360 Support
Encountering "ResourceNotFound" error while accessing the images, files or attachments
Error: ResourceNotFound
This error occurs when the SaaS token is not appended to the file URL in private and mixed projects. Document360 appends a SaaS token to ensure that only authorized users can access the file.
Steps to resolve:
Ensure the SaaS token is appended to the file URL before accessing or sharing the file.
Try downloading the file again directly from Document360.
Encountering "AuthenticationFailed" error while accessing images, files, or attachments
Error: AuthenticationFailed
This error occurs when the SaaS token has expired in private and mixed projects. In Document360, the SaaS token is valid for 15 minutes before it automatically updates. If a file with an expired SaaS token is shared, users will not be able to access it. Possible causes includes:
Restricted access to Private projects or content
Files in private projects or private content within mixed-visibility projects are restricted to users who do not have the necessary permissions.
SaaS Token expiry
Document360 files use SaaS tokens appended to their URLs for temporary access. Once the token expires, users cannot access the file.
Expiry time varies based on file type:
Standard files: The SaaS token expires 15 minutes from the time the link is generated.
Video files: SaaS token expires after 1 hour.
Example SaaS token:
Steps to resolve
Refresh the source webpage and generate a new file link.
Ensure you share the file within the valid token period (15 minutes for standard files, 1 hour for video files) to prevent expiration.