What is a 'Starred category'?

If you use some categories frequently in your documentation, move them to Starred and access them easily. This feature is similar to the favorites section and applicable only in the Knowledge base portal.

You can star all three category types (Folder, Index, and Page).

Accessing "Starred" categories

All the starred categories are added to Starred page in the Documentation.


Go to DocumentationStarred, and you can view all the previously 'Starred' categories in the selected workspace and language.

Star a category

There are four ways to add a category to "Starred". Click here for information about category types available in Document360.

Method 1 - From the category manager


  1. Hover over the desired category in the category manager
  2. Click the ••• (More) option adjacent to the category name
  3. Select Add to starred

Method 2 - From the Index overview


  1. Go to the desired category in the Documentation
  2. Click the "☆" icon next to the category title
    Click on the "☆" when you hover over the subcategory in the Index overview

How to remove a category from starred?

There are four ways to remove a category from "Starred".

Method 1 - From the category manager


  1. Hover over the desired category in the category manager
  2. Click the ••• (More) option adjacent to the category name
  3. Select Remove from starred

Method 2 - From the Index overview


  1. Go to the desired category page in the Documentation
  2. Click the '★' icon next to the category page title (or) the subcategory title in the Index overview

Method 3 - From the "Starred" page


In this method, you can remove multiple categories from "Starred".

  1. Go to DocumentationStarred
  2. The list of starred categories appears
  3. Select the checkbox adjacent to the desired categories
  4. Click the Remove from starred option