Plans supporting the use of ticket deflector
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The ticket deflector analytics overview page provides a bird-eye view of all the metrics that go into the ticket deflector form(s) in your knowledge base site or widget.
Accessing the Ticket deflector analytics
In the desired Document360 project,
Go to Analytics -> Ticket deflector.
The Ticket deflector tab is available by default.
It provides complete information about the ticket deflector analytic data.
You can navigate between the Ticket deflector and Feedback tabs.
Ticket deflector
This page is the first and default tab when you access the Ticket deflector analytics page. The Ticket deflector provides an overview of the different analytic aspects of the ticket deflector.
Initially, four tiles display data, such as
Total feedback: It provides a total number of feedback data
Answered from KB: The total number of answers provided from the knowledge base
Form submitted: It provides the data for the form submitted
Total search: The total number of searches
Unlike the interface in the Links status overview page, these tiles are not clickable.
Frequently selected questions (Top 5)
This section shows the most chosen qualifying top 5 questions in the ticket deflector form. The pie chart shows the different questions and the number of times the reader chooses.
When the mouse pointer hovers over each chart section, the ticket deflector for that question appears.
This chart shows the percentage of Forms submitted and Answered from KB.
The Forms submitted and Answered from KB options are clickable here. By selecting, you can preview their data.
Most useful articles
It shows the top articles you found helpful and answered your queries. The following information is available in this section:
The article name
Link to the article
Number of queries served
In this section, you can search using specific keyword searches. The following information is available in this section:
Count (the number of times a specific keyword is searched for)
Answer found
Answer not found
Search success rate
This section shows the total searches performed in the selected ticket deflector form(s). The chart shows the percentage of successful and failed searches.
Filter by
You can filter the ticket analytics data using the different Filter by option at the top.
a) Ticket deflector
You can choose the ticket deflector form(s) to view the analytics data.
b) Knowledge base/ Widget
Use the dropdown in the top right section to select between knowledge base and widget analytics. The JWT tag denotes widgets with JWT authentication. Select the JWT widget to track and analyze the ticket metrics within private and mixed projects secured by JWT authentication.
c) Date range
You can choose the date range for which you want to view the ticket deflector analytics data. It may be last week, last month, or a custom date range.
In the feedback tab, all the user feedback will be displayed.