Unauthorized page

An 'Unauthorized page' appears when a user with no access permission in your Knowledge base tries to access a Knowledge base site URL.

For example, if a user doesn't have access to a private knowledge base and tries to access it, the unauthorized page appears.


Customize your Knowledge base site's 'Unauthorized page' and provide a descriptive reason with a solution such as 'Contact the admin for access'. This allows the user to understand the cause and solution.

You cannot switch back to your default 'Unauthorized page' after configuring a custom 'Unauthorized page'. It is recommended to have a custom page to enhance the user experience.

How to customize the unauthorized page design?


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to "Settings -> Knowledge base site -> Customize site"

  2. The page holds all the basic site design configurations

  3. From the "Customize site" page, click "Customize site" again

  4. From the left side drop-down, select the Unauthorized page you wish to customize listed under "Error pages".

  5. You can find two sections on this page

    1. Basic style - Basic customization with the available options
    2. Custom style - Customize with HTML and CSS
  6. Once you're done, click Save

Basic style

You can use the options such as Theme, Image, Heaidng, and Paragraph.


Change the location of text and image with this option. By default, three predefined alignments are available for selection.

  • Click on the desired theme and click Save to update the custom page

Upload image

Upload a related image to enhance the page.

  1. Click the Image button, and image pane appears

  2. Click Change and you can select two sections

    a. Default images - You can find the default images provided and click the desired image and click Save

    b. Image - To upload a desired image from URL or Drive

    • To upload an image from URL:

      • Click Image and enter the image URL in the URL field
      • Click InsertSave
    • To upload an image from Drive:

      • Click ImageUpload an image and the file selection window appears
      • Select the desired image
      • Click InsertSave
  3. You can also configure the alignment of the image, such as in left, center, and right.


Enter the desired heading of the page and click Save.

The default heading will be "Sorry!".


Enter a paragraph for the page. It allows the readers to know the context of the page.

You are not authorized to access this article or page.

Custom style

Customize the unauthorize page with HTML or CSS section.

  1. Select the Custom style, and you can find two tabs:

    • HTML section
    • CSS section
  2. Navigate to the desired tab and update the section as per your requirement

  3. Click Preview toggle on the top right of the section to view the preview of the unauthorize page

  4. Once you're done, click Save

Custom pages in Document360

Check the Custom pages article to explore the available custom pages in Document360.