Different departments within an organization may use similar business terms, but the underlying definitions and assumptions may differ. This knowledge is only known to those within each department. Therefore, defining business terms is crucial for a shared understanding, consistent data collection practices, right business logics applied to compute reliable business metrics.

Document360's Automated Business Glossary helps organizations communicate and collaborate by clearing ambiguity in terminology. It helps you to create a complete collection of business terms used in an organization, providing clarity and shared understanding of ambiguous terms. It aids in data collection, team collaboration, communication, and database design.

How do I enable Automated Business Glossary?


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to Settings -> AI Features -> Eddy

  2. Scroll down to find the Automated Business Glossary option

  3. Toggle the switch to enable this feature

This feature is available on these plans. (view pricing plan)

✖ Standard ✔ Professional ✔ Business ✔ Enterprise

Accessing Automated Business Glossary

You can access the Automated Business Glossary using the following steps:


  1. Navigate to Documentation -> Content tools -> Content reuse and select Glossary

  2. Click "Take action" on the Eddy banner in the center of the page

  3. By default, the Open suggestion section appears as the default view under the Eddy glossary suggestions

  4. On the left navigation bar:

    • You'll find a list of Eddy recommended glossary terms
    • Use the Search bar, if you have multiple terms to search
    • Use the Sort (

      ) option to organize the terms
  5. At the top center, you can view the number of times that each term is repeated

For example, Backup is used 1 time(s) in 1 article(s)

  1. In the Definition text box, Eddy will suggest relevent definition of the term, and you can edit it using the formatting tools

Glossary definition can be up to 500 characters

  1. Under the Add to drop down menu, English will be selected as default

  2. Enable the Update in articles (n) check box to update the glossary in the articles

You can create a glossary without implementing it in the article by unchecking "Update in articles" check box

  1. Click Show Articles to view the list of articles where the glossary terms will be used

Only articles that you have access are displayed here

  1. Once the changes are done, click "+ Add to glossary"

  2. After adding the term to the glossary, it will be moved to the glossary list

  3. If you need to ignore it, click Ignore term, and it will be added to the Ignored suggestions section

  4. Anytime, you can go to Ignored suggestions and click "Move to open list"

  5. Click "Continue later" to close the blade

You can perform the Automated Business Glossary Scan for every 7 days


How do I use Automated Business Glossary in the advanced WYSIWYG editor?


  1. Navigate to the Advanced WYSIWYG editor and click "Insert"

  2. Select "Glossary," and Eddy will provide glossary suggestions based on that specific article


In the Editor, Automated Business Glossary scan will occur every time you open it. At one instance, it can scan up to the first 50 terms

  1. Click "Take action" to open the Eddy glossary suggestions window, with the "Open suggestions" section as the default view

How do I use shortcuts for Automated Business Glossary?

You can use the following shortcuts in the Edit glossary suggestions window

  • Use the ARROW keys to navigate suggestions
  • Press ENTER to add the current glossary term
  • Press BACKSPACE to ignore the current glossary term

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the Automated Business Glossary recognise singular and plural business terms as one?

No, the Document360's Automated Business Glossary considers two identitcal terms, one being singular and the other being plural, as two individual and specific terms.

For example, the term Team Accounts and Team Account are evaluated as two distingushed terms.

2. Does the Automated Business Glossary recognise synonymous terms as one term?

The synonymous terms will be considered as two individual and seperate terms.

For example, the words Routine and Daily are synonymous to each other. However, they are considered as two different terms or words.

3. How often can you perform a rescan and why?

The system recommends an interval of 7 days between each scan which will be notified in the user interface. Some quantifiable content in the documentation is necessary to scan the content and provide new suggestions.

4. Is the rescan manual or automated?

The Rescan is a manual process and not an automated action.

5. What happens post a rescan?

After the rescan, new suggestions are updated in the open suggestions list and the users will be notified with an email notification regarding the same.