Plans supporting status indicator
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The Status indicator is visible in the Knowledge base site near the article title. There are three possible indicators: New, Updated, and Custom.
Automatic "Status indicator" update
If the Automatically set article status toggle is enabled, the status indicator automatically updates every time an article or category is published.
Navigate to Settings () > Knowledge base site > Article settings & SEO in the Knowledge base portal.
By default, Article settings tab will be selected.
In the Category manager accordion, turn on the Automatically set article status toggle.
In the Show article status for field, enter the number of days the status should appear.
For more information, read the article on Category manager.
Manually updating the "Status indicator" for an article
To manually update the status indicator for an article:
Navigate to your desired article (published or unpublished) in the Knowledge base portal.
Click the More (•••) icon and select More article options.
In the Article settings panel, select the Status indicator tab.
Choose the desired status from the drop-down.
In the Show status for field, enter the number of days the status should persist in the Knowledge base site.
Click Save.
Setting a Custom status indicator
To customize the status indicator text:
Navigate to Settings () > Knowledge base portal > Localization & Workspaces > Localization variables in the Knowledge base portal.
Expand the Category manager accordion and edit the Custom field to modify the status indicator text.
Click Save.
To set the custom status indicator color:
Navigate to Settings () > Article settings & SEO in the Knowledge base portal.
By default, the Article settings tab will be selected.
In the Category manager accordion, choose the desired color for the Custom status indicator.
Click the icon to save the changes.
Hover over the Background color () icon to preview the custom status indicator.
For more information on custom status indicator, read the article on Category manager.
Knowledge base site view
New (green dot): Appears when an article is published for the first time.
Updated (orange dot): Appears when an article is edited and republished.
Custom: Can be set manually by the team.