Drift is a conversational messenger platform you can add to your website, knowledge base, or online business.

Integrating your Document360-powered Knowledge base with the Drift chat application gives you an additional edge when providing support or answering your customers' queries. You can share relevant articles and information from your knowledge base without leaving the Drift conversation page.

To enable this extension, you should have a registered Drift account. If you don't have one, you can create one following the signup instructions on the application website https://app.drift.com/

Basic setup guide

If you're an existing user of Drift or have it added to any of your company websites or Document360 home page, you can skip the 1st and 2nd sections of the Basic setup guide.
Continue from "3. Configuring your Document360 knowledge base with Drift composer" below

1. Acquire custom JavaScript from the Drift portal

1. If you are a new customer to Drift:

a. You will get the code assistant during the initial account setup
b. After signup, now login to your Drift account on Drift app website

  1. Login and go to your Drift Dashboard

  2. Click on the Settings and select the App settings tree-view menu

  3. Click on the Drift assistant and select the Install option

  4. Select the JavaScript option and a code window would be displayed

  5. Click on the Copy button to copy the script to your clipboard

2. If you are an existing customer in Drift:

You can follow step 2 outlined for the new customer
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The copied JavaScript would come in handy on the Document360 portal.

2. Setting up Drift chat on Document360

To set up the drift chat window on your Document360 page.

  1. Go to your project in the Document360 portal

  2. Go to Settings → Knowledge base site → Custom CSS & JavaScript

  3. Click on the Custom JavaScript tab

  4. Paste the copied script in the Custom JavaScript field in Document360 and click on the Save button


Now the Drift chat icon appears on your Document360. Your customers can use this assistant chat window to interact with you. You can continue conversing with your customers but need to look up and share articles from your knowledge base before leaving the drift chat response.

3. Configuring your Document360 knowledge base on Drift composer

Only when document360 is authorized and configured can you search for and share articles from your knowledge base with your end users.

  1. Go to Settings → Knowledge base portal → Extensions → Team Collaboration tab

  2. Drift would be listed among the other external integration platforms and apps

  3. Click on the Add to Drift button

  4. The page would be redirected to an authorization page on Drift

  5. Click on the Authorize App button


After successful integration, you can access the connected knowledge base on Drift conversations using slash commands (/doc360)

Feature Highlights

Search and share articles in Drift conversations

Once the knowledge base has been integrated and authorized, you can search for articles from your knowledge base using keywords.

  1. In the admin chat response window type in /doc360 then a space followed by the Search term

  2. Press enter, and a relevant article search list appears

  3. Now you have three buttons below each of the listed article

  • Share – Sends the article link along with the meta text provided to your end-user chat
  • Edit – Allows you to edit the text or link and then press 'Enter'
  • Cancel – aborts the article search

During real-time conversations, this would make so much sense and cut back on the response time, as the service provider (your support agent) doesn't have to navigate to a separate window or browser tab to search the articles from your knowledge base and then share the link.