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This addon is a one-time purchase.
A support engineer from the Document360 team will engage with you over a virtual 2-hours session. The session would comprise getting started support, knowledge base portal guidance, best practices, and configuration support for premium features.

What does the Best practices & setup addon include?

  1. Basic setup and configuration of the Document360 portal
  2. Configuring team member and groups accessibility
  3. Customization of the home page builder
  4. Configuring the right editor type and editor settings
  5. Guidance on using the drive
  6. SEO insights and article redirection guide
  7. Custom domain mapping and subfolder hosting
  8. Walkthrough on bulk operations and content reuse
  9. Article performance and analytics feature
  10. Setting up integrations and extensions
  11. Setting up knowledge base assistant
  12. Setting up notification channel and team auditing
  13. Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO)
  14. Walkthrough of our help center and related documents

How to purchase Best practices & setup addon?


  1. From the knowledge base portal, go to SettingsKnowledge base portalBilling and the My plan tab appears as a default
  2. Click on Purchase addon and, a Purchase addon blade appears


  1. Enable the Best practice & Setup (one-time) toggle
  2. Click on Confirm Payment and, the payment is processed


  1. Payment successful! message appears, and the purchase is made successfully

A support engineer from the Document360 team will reach out to you and schedule a virtual call at your preferred date and time.

You can also purchase this addon when upgrading or renewing your subscription plan.