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What is a deprecated article?

With context to the knowledge base, a deprecated article is an obsolete or outdated article that offers no value to the reader.
An article can be marked as deprecated for various reasons like the core subject of the article has been removed, is not in use, modified to a different concept, or any other reason.

Mark as deprecated

Earlier you had the option ‘Mark as deprecated’ at a version level on your project. Now you can use the same feature at an article/page level, wherein the article/page would appear with the ‘Deprecated’ public status indicator tag.

Also, you can choose to show a custom deprecation message stating the reason for the deprecation and add hyperlinks to any alternate or newer version of the article/page if applicable.

Reader Point-Of-View

Here is an example of how a deprecated article would look like on the knowledge base site. You can see the deprecated tag and the reason for deprecation added in a callout style at the top of the article.


Marking an article as deprecated

  1. Go to the article you want to mark as deprecated on the documentation editor in Document360 portal
  2. You can access this option under the Mark as deprecated section on the right side article settings menu
  3. Expand the 'Mark as deprecated' section and turn 'on' the toggle to mark the article as deprecated
  4. In the below text field specify the reason for marking the article as deprecated. You can use basic text formatting (Bold, Italic, Underline, and Hyperlink).
  5. This field is optional, If you don't wish to display any message you can leave this field empty
  6. Once you're done hit the Save button at the bottom


Mark multiple articles as deprecated in one go (Bulk operation)

Similar to other article actions (publish, review reminder, hide, etc) on Document360, you can mark multiple articles as deprecated in the All content page.

  1. Click on All content on the left above the category manager
  2. From the list of articles select one or more articles you want to mark as deprecated
  3. Click on the ••• more at the top and select Mark as deprecated
  4. Type in the deprecation message in the field below (Optional)
  5. Click on the Save button when you're done
