Team accounts can add tags to the Document360 project to use within the project for articles, category pages, and files. Previously, Document360 had exclusive and separate tags for articles and Drive files. Now, the tags available in the library can be used across the project.

AI tag recommender

Use the AI tag recommender feature, where Document360's Artificial Intelligence is used to assess the article content and recommend Tags. The recommender can also help you create tags if no relevant Tag is available in your tag library.

Adding tags to the library

There are four methods to add tags to your project's Tag library.

  • Method 1: From the ''Manage tags" overview page
  • Method 2: From the Documentation editor article settings
  • Method 3: Adding tags to the Drive files
  • Method 4: Adding tags to the articles in 'All articles'

Method 1: From the ''Manage tags" overview page


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to Documentation -> Content tools -> Tags

  2. In the Manage tags overview page, click the Create tag button at the top-right

  3. Enter the Tag name and Description

  4. Select the group with which you want to associate the tag (the individual tag is the default selection)

  5. Click on the Create button to add it to your project's tag library

Method 2: From the Documentation editor article settings


  1. From the documentation editor, click on the ••• more options

  2. Select Tags, and the Article settings blade appears

  3. Add the desired Tags and click Save

Method 3: Adding tags to the Drive files


  1. Navigate to the Drive and click on the desired file name

  2. Click on the ••• More option next to the file, and select the Add tags option
    Click on the ••• More option and select "View details"

  3. In the File details blade, the Tags field is available in the below

  4. From the dropdown, you can select from the existing tags

  5. After adding the desired tags, click on the Update button

Method 4: Adding tags to the articles in 'All articles'


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to Documentation -> All articles

  2. Select the desired one or more articles from the list

  3. Click on the ••• more options, and select Create tags

  4. From the dropdown, you can add your desired tags

Tag specifics

Number of tags in a project

Team members can add 1000 tags to a single project. Only 20 tags would be visible on the "Manage tags" overview page, and utilize the pagination at the bottom for an effortless viewing experience.

Tag character limit

The Tag name character limit with spaces is 30.
The Tag description character limit with spaces is 100.

Tag description

When you hover over any Tag in the Knowledge base portal or Knowledge base site, the respective Tag description appears as a tooltip.
Tag description appears below the tag title on the dedicated Tags page in the Knowledge base site.

Tag requisites

Tags can contain:

• Uppercase and lowercase characters (Multi-language support)
• Numbers
• Spaces
• Selective special characters _ + - @ # % ^ & ! ()

Tag name cannot contain

• Special characters \ / : * ? " <> |