Add lists of features, an about section, or a contact section to your home page using the Multicolumn card section. Each column includes an icon, a title, and a space for the description text.

For example, you can add descriptions of the major features.

Adding Multicolumn card section


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to "Settings -> Knowledge base site -> Customize site"

  2. The page holds all the fundamental site design configurations

  3. From the "Customize site" page, click "Customize site" again

  4. From the left side drop-down menu, choose the Home page

  5. You can view the list of body blocks in the body section

  6. Click the Add section and select the Multicolumn card section from the available options

  7. By default, one column of text section would be added

  8. Under the Multicolumn card section drop-down menu, click the Add element to add more column elements

  • The reorder icon ( ) facilitates the rearrangement of elements.
  • Click on the preview icon ( ) to toggle the visibility of elements.

Available options

  1. Click on any of the listed columns. This will display the Columns of text section title
  • Icon: Click on Change to change the icons of the columns

  • Title: Enter the desired title for the column of text

  • Icon color: Change the icon color of the column

  • Paragraph text: You can format the content of the column using the following options:

    • Bold: Applies bold formatting to the text

    • Italic: Applies italic formatting to the text

    • URL/Link: You can add a URL or link inside the content of the text block

    • Unordered list: To make a list denoted with bullet points for each item

    • Ordered list: To make a list denoted with numbers for each item

  1. Once you have made changes, click on the Save (💾) icon

How will you remove the multicolumn card?

  • Click on the Multicolumn card section. The Multicolumn card section navigation bar appears

  • Below the navigation bar, you'll find the Delete(🗑) option. Click on it

  • A delete confirmation prompt appears. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes