Excluding articles from search engines

Plans supporting the exclusion of articles from search engines


To manage the visibility and confidentiality of your content, you can easily exclude certain articles or category pages from search engine results using Document360. This helps in ensuring the sensitive or internal content remains private and not publicly searchable.

Excluding articles from external search engines

  1. Navigate to the desired article or page category you want to exclude from search results.

  2. Click the More (•••) icon in the top right corner.

  3. From the dropdown menu, choose the SEO option.

    The Article settings panel appears.

  4. In the SEO settings, select the Exclude from external search engine results checkbox.

  5. Click Save to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can include/exclude articles from the external search results.

Excluding articles from the external search

Excluding articles from Search results and Eddy AI assistive search


For users on the new pricing plan, AI search suite is available for Business and Enterprise plans. For legacy (old plan) users, only customers who have purchased Eddy AI assistive search as an add-on will have Exclude from Eddy AI assistive search toggle.

  1. Navigate to the desired article or category page in the Knowledge base portal.

  2. Click the More (•••) icon in the top right corner of the article or category page.  

  3. From the dropdown menu, choose More article options.  

    The Article settings panel will appear.  

  4. In the Article settings panel, go to Search Visibility section.  

  5. In the Search visibility, select the desired options:

    1. Click Exclude from the knowledge base search checkbox to excludes articles from search results within the knowledge base site.

    2. Click Exclude from Eddy AI assistive search checkbox to excludes articles from Eddy AI assistive search results within the knowledge base site.


You can exclude articles from Eddy AI Assistive Search only if you have purchased the Eddy AI Suite.

  1. Click Save to save the changes.

Excluding articles from AI assistive search and knowledge base search


The article will still be accessible via the URL or navigation menu even after configuring it to be excluded from Knowledge Base searches and Eddy AI searches.


What happens if the article is cloned?  Will the Search visibility settings remain the same?

If the article is cloned, the Search visibility settings will also apply to the cloned article.

What happens to hidden articles if we select to exclude articles from search engines?

By default, if your article is hidden, its information will not be fetched in the knowledge base search or the AI assistive search.